Increase Your Height - Read This If You Are Thinking Of Limb Lengthening Surgery
Am I correct? I bet I am because I used to feel the same way as every other short stature person who wants to be taller.
It is not even that we want to be tall but we want to be at what society considers an average or normal height.
You think about it every moment of the day, it consumes your life and controls you.
Now you are at the breaking point and will do almost anything to gain just a few inches.
If you have ever considered getting the operation known as limb lengthening, please read this article so you are aware of what you will be getting yourself into.
Limb lengthening is becoming more popular than ever before as people who are short stature will almost do anything just to gain a few inches to feel like they are normal.
I almost went under the knife years ago in order to reach my dream of being a little taller.
I spent countless sleepless nights searching the net for more info.
I called tons of doctors all over the world who performed this surgery.
I even visited some doctors and interviewed them.
With all the info and knowledge I gained on limb lengthening I discovered that it is not worth it, and here are just a few reasons why.
It is surgery! Nobody likes getting surgery done,nobody! This is a very complicated and dangerous surgery.
This is the main reason I did not get the surgery performed, because once you realize that it is a surgery and you could die from it.
The more you will feel that you do not need it.
It is very expensive! This is a very expensive surgery that insurance will not cover as it is considered cosmetic.
If you get it done in the USA it will run you about one hundred grand for just 2 inches.
And that is only the cost of the surgery.
Add in living expenses for 6 months to a year, therapy,medication,loss of work.
You are now looking at another fifty thousand or more dollars.
That is a lot of moola for 2 inches if you ask me.
You may be able to find the surgery done cheaper over seas, but a surgery like this I think it would be best done in your country.
Time! Once the surgery is done, your journey has not ended but it has just started.
After the surgery you stay in the hospital for a couple weeks or up to a year depending on who performs the surgery.
You will have to do therapy for about a year.
After the surgery you will not be able to walk for months, I do not know if I could handle that.
You will also go back to being a baby as you will need to have or hire somebody to wash you and help you go to the bathroom.
You will basically have to learn how to walk and use your legs again.
Also there is no guarantee that your legs go back to one hundred percent normal.
Conclusion! My conclusion is that limb lengthening is not worth it, in my own opinion.
You may become 2 inches taller but you will have to go through hell and back to get those 2 inches.
You will have also spent a ton of money which could be used for something more important.
I am not trying to scare you but I would like you to know the facts.
There are natural ways that you can increase your height by 2 inches or more.
The best thing to do is never give up on your dream of being taller.