Building Solar Power Generator
You may have considered to build solar power generator for your own home when the prices for electricity started climbing, but never really thought of applying the plan then. But as your salary increased you just let the idea to build solar power generator less and less, and you just kept on using the monopolies supply anyway. But it is important to realise that this is not the same as a solar power electric generator, as the one is a continuous supply of electricity while the other is in storage until required.
International Conventions
Times have changed world wide, and local and international governments are having conventions on saving the planet with finding alternative solutions to water resources and electricity to supply the nations. Unfortunately other projects have taken priority and the fundamentals of what society really needs to survive has been left to last.
While solar power projects are booming for households, other methods of supplying or lessening the earths resources are being implemented in some countries, but unfortunately the more new resources are implemented the more the population will grow and still consume from the current resources. This does not help the people or the planet in any way; it just allows population booms to occur.
This is where the problem actually is, the amount of people on the planet that need these resources. If this were controlled the change could still occur with a lesser negative effect on the planet. After all we are the ones who created the demand, and we have to fix it before it is too late and Mother Nature wreaks havoc to fix it on our behalf.
Taking Things for Granted
So much is taken for granted, and a lot of society just expects free electricity and water, but for those households and businesses out there who diligently pay for these services, they get frustrated as they are covering the non payment bills of others. Unfortunately someone has to pay the price of these utilities, and it is us who carry the brunt of the free loaders.