No Magical Cure for Long Term Weight Loss
When it comes to losing weight almost everyone who decides to go on a diet wants instant gratification. However, it took you months or years to gain the weight; therefore, it should take you just about the same amount of time to loss the weight. The key to long term weight loss is losing it slowly. When you shock you body into instant weight loss the minute you stop dieting the weight will start to come right back. This has been seen in the multiple numbers of studies conducted on weight loss. Crash diets will lead most people to crash and burn. Of course, there are those individuals that do succeed. However, they are usually very driven and tend to turn their weight obsession into another obsession.
Understanding that there just is not a magic pill or drink is the first step to achieving long term weight loss. While these methods will produce instant results, their effectiveness will start to slow down or stop after a period of time. The second step is to understand that everybody's body reacts differently to dieting. You and your friend can both be on the same crash diet, and one of you will lose more weight that the other. The third step is introducing the small things into your daily life that promotes long term weight loss. It is the small things that add up to produce the weight loss you are looking to achieve. Some of the small things you will want to introduce into your daily routine are:
*Monitor your daily calorie intake - even if you just cut 200 calories off your daily intake you will see results.
*Introduce exercise into your weekly routine - you will want to include a minimum of 30 minutes five days a week.
*Get more sleep - try to get at least eight hours of sleep a night.
The fourth is acknowledging the little milestones as much as the larger ones. You want to make sure you value the weight you have lost not just keep looking at the end result. If, all you see is how far you have to go you will most likely quit before you get there. The fifth step is to be flexible. Life will throw you a few curve balls you will need to roll with them. If every time something goes wrong you get upset and derail your progress, you success will be harder to obtain.
Losing weight is a day to day process. There is not a magical cure. Long term weight loss will take time and perseverance. Once you reach the end you will have the satisfaction of knowing you can handle anything.
Understanding that there just is not a magic pill or drink is the first step to achieving long term weight loss. While these methods will produce instant results, their effectiveness will start to slow down or stop after a period of time. The second step is to understand that everybody's body reacts differently to dieting. You and your friend can both be on the same crash diet, and one of you will lose more weight that the other. The third step is introducing the small things into your daily life that promotes long term weight loss. It is the small things that add up to produce the weight loss you are looking to achieve. Some of the small things you will want to introduce into your daily routine are:
*Monitor your daily calorie intake - even if you just cut 200 calories off your daily intake you will see results.
*Introduce exercise into your weekly routine - you will want to include a minimum of 30 minutes five days a week.
*Get more sleep - try to get at least eight hours of sleep a night.
The fourth is acknowledging the little milestones as much as the larger ones. You want to make sure you value the weight you have lost not just keep looking at the end result. If, all you see is how far you have to go you will most likely quit before you get there. The fifth step is to be flexible. Life will throw you a few curve balls you will need to roll with them. If every time something goes wrong you get upset and derail your progress, you success will be harder to obtain.
Losing weight is a day to day process. There is not a magical cure. Long term weight loss will take time and perseverance. Once you reach the end you will have the satisfaction of knowing you can handle anything.