Drowning Earth - Global Warming Updates

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Now a day's economic crisis news has consumed everyone's thinking capacity.
Day by day people are starting to forget other aspects of like that they should be equally concerned about as the economy.
One such ignored aspect of like is global warming.
Although more and more people are concerned about global warming, there are very few who actually take it seriously and take "green" actions.
A very good example about this controversial topic is my street where I live in California.
There are different kinds of families that live on our street.
Few are old, while others have just been married or had their first child.
To my friends, I mention my street as a melting pot because of highly diverse community.
Out of this mixture, there are differences between peoples thought regarding global warming.
To write this article I conducted a survey regarding all the 15 families opinion of global warming.
Data I collected was quite alarming since majority of them did not care about global warming or have never heard.
Out of the 3 "golden age" families, 2 of them said that they "do not care as their life expectancy predicted by the government is not much longer any ways" and the other "golden age" couple said, "we are really concerned for our children's future, but there is very little we can do at this old age".
Majority of the senior citizens in USA have similar disregard for global warming while very few actually have concerns for their children's future.
Now going to 7 families that range from 30 to 50 years old.
A unique aspect of this group of families was that they had gained materialistic and economic wealth which created ego and hence priority for their enjoyment.
Two of the families said that they had just bought a fuel-efficient car and plan to continue using similar cars for rest of their life.
I asked them what initiated them to buy a fuel-efficient car? They replied, "high gas prices".
Which is a very common thought process for all the people who go to buy a car (MPG).
One of the families said that they use Prius for daily commute to their job and a 5 series BMW for late night parties and other social occasions.
After a while I understood the reason behind this kind of practice, ego and community status.
Remaining 5 families said that they don't plan to take any different action for global warming.
They gave me different reasons for answer: "we are not going to waste our life because of those factory tycoons", "what is global warming", "global warming is a myth, I love this 'cali' weather", "I just bought a hummer, so you know my answer" and "I just don't think it is worth investing in 'green' resources right now, they should get cheaper soon".
This group had a well-developed place with strong root for themselves in the earth.
They did not care much other then "live life".
Lets take a look at the youngest group.
Out of the next 5 families, 2 of them had been married in past 9 months and 3 of them had at least a child in past 4 years.
One the couples said that currently they do not care much about the global warming.
Their primary focus is towards "getting [their] marriage working".
Rests of the 4 families were very optimistic about "fight" for global warming.
One of them has actually installed solar panels on their roof and plans to buy a Honda hydrogen fuel cell vehicle.
Another family has switched all their house fixtures with energy efficient bulbs.
All of them have sold their gas guzzling SUVs and have bought or are going to buy a fuel-efficient sedan.
Last group of families is most concerned because of learning that they will have the most impact of the circumstances brought forward by global warming.
Putting all together, we have learned that although there is not much active in the sense of "green age", slowly more people are implementing the conservative plan to save the earth.
Young residents of USA are more and more concerned about global warming which does help see a light at the horizon of the dark space.
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