Car Insurance for Women Drivers. Why Cheaper?
Car insurance for women drivers is generally cheaper than it is for men. Sexist, but true! This is the case because in general, women are thought to be less of a risk then men when it comes to driving.
While statistics do not indicate that women have fewer accidents than men, the norm seems to be that in accidents where a woman driver is at fault, the amount of actual damage caused in the accident is usually lower. For example, a bent fender as opposed to a total right off. Because of this, accident claims made by women are lower, allowing car insurance companies to charge a lower rate. This often means an insurance premium of about thirty percent lower than what male drivers in the same demographic would be charged.
Again, the statistical norm is for women drivers to drive at a slower speed than men do, which is likely why the corresponding insurance claims are lower. The slower you are driving, the less damage you are likely to do to your vehicle. Whether the accidents are single vehicle or multi vehicle accidents, the same rule applies. Hitting a guard rail or light standard at high speed will have a far greater impact than doing so at lower speeds.
From the age of 17 onward, a lady driver is viewed as a better risk than a male driver, and with a little research, females can usually find insurance premium discounts. Just check in the country where you live and see what is available. While discounts are generally available to any young driver that takes a driver's education course, girls may get an even better deal.
If you are a women driver looking for a cheaper deal on your car insurance, you may want to look into an insurance company that specializes in auto insurance exclusively for ladies. This is probably best for single women, or women who are fine with not having their husband covered under the same policy. Why? Because the company won't give them the best deal possible since the husband - who is considered a higher risk - shares the policy, so they will increase the premium.
These companies can cater to woman only without worrying about their profit margins, even though they stay away from men, who they can, and do, gouge with higher premiums. The sheer volume of women looking for a good deal on their insurance still gives the company a very attractive bottom line.
Ladies, you need to remember something though. Once you have got that great quote, and landed a sweet deal on car insurance for women drivers, that rate is not carved in stone. If your driving habits are not part of the statistical norm, and your driving record doesn't stay clean, your insurance rates will rise, whatever your gender. [] offers articles on a wide range of topics including Car Insurance for Women Drivers. []
While statistics do not indicate that women have fewer accidents than men, the norm seems to be that in accidents where a woman driver is at fault, the amount of actual damage caused in the accident is usually lower. For example, a bent fender as opposed to a total right off. Because of this, accident claims made by women are lower, allowing car insurance companies to charge a lower rate. This often means an insurance premium of about thirty percent lower than what male drivers in the same demographic would be charged.
Again, the statistical norm is for women drivers to drive at a slower speed than men do, which is likely why the corresponding insurance claims are lower. The slower you are driving, the less damage you are likely to do to your vehicle. Whether the accidents are single vehicle or multi vehicle accidents, the same rule applies. Hitting a guard rail or light standard at high speed will have a far greater impact than doing so at lower speeds.
From the age of 17 onward, a lady driver is viewed as a better risk than a male driver, and with a little research, females can usually find insurance premium discounts. Just check in the country where you live and see what is available. While discounts are generally available to any young driver that takes a driver's education course, girls may get an even better deal.
If you are a women driver looking for a cheaper deal on your car insurance, you may want to look into an insurance company that specializes in auto insurance exclusively for ladies. This is probably best for single women, or women who are fine with not having their husband covered under the same policy. Why? Because the company won't give them the best deal possible since the husband - who is considered a higher risk - shares the policy, so they will increase the premium.
These companies can cater to woman only without worrying about their profit margins, even though they stay away from men, who they can, and do, gouge with higher premiums. The sheer volume of women looking for a good deal on their insurance still gives the company a very attractive bottom line.
Ladies, you need to remember something though. Once you have got that great quote, and landed a sweet deal on car insurance for women drivers, that rate is not carved in stone. If your driving habits are not part of the statistical norm, and your driving record doesn't stay clean, your insurance rates will rise, whatever your gender. [] offers articles on a wide range of topics including Car Insurance for Women Drivers. []