Bull Run Monuments
- The Battle of Bull Run was the first battle of the American Civil War.civil war image by Wd Photo from Fotolia.com
The Battle of Bull Run, also known as the Battle of Manassas, was the first battle to be fought in the U.S., Civil War. The battle occured in July of 1861 in Virginia and today, its grounds play host to a number of historial monuments commemorating the men, women and events of that first fight. - The cone-shaped brick monument at the battle site was the first Civil War monument ever to be erected onto a battlefield in the U.S. In memory of the First Battle at Bull Run, the structure took several years to complete and wasn't commemorated until 1865. By that time, the Union and Confederate armies had already fought the Second Battle of Bull Run.
- Built after the Second Battle of Bull Run, this battlefield statue depicts Jackson atop a horse facing the Henry House. It was during the Battle of Bull Run that Jackson earned his legendary Stonewall nickname.
- During the battle, Judith Henry, an elderly woman in her 80s, lived in a house on a hill in the battlefield. She could not leave prior to the fighting because of an illness. While lying in bed, shots were fired into her home during the battle, cutting off her foot, and resulting in her death. Today, her home has been reconstructed as a battlefield monument.
- Though not a Bull Run monument, Sudley Church is recognized as a Bull Run historical site. During the battles of Bull Run, Sudley Church served as the military hospital. Though it received significant structural damage, it still operates as a Methodist Church today. It is a popular tourist attraction due to its involvement in the the Bull Run Battles.