Classy Toys for Children & Collectors
Not just pedal cars, but pedal planes, pedal tractors, and pedal trucks.
Even vintage foot-powered vehicles are popular right now, with the most popular being fire truck scoot-alongs.
Not only are these metal pedal cars of the past classy, but they are a very good investment as well.
These vintage ride-on toys are sure to double, even triple or quadruple, your money.
Retro-style tricycles are also popular as well as a good investment.
Got an older kid you're shopping for? Pedal go-karts are a big hit with the big kids! Are you looking to give your child a toy from your very own generation? The Original Big Wheel has made a huge comeback.
Also available are the Princess Big Wheel, the Americana, and the new Big Wheel Trainer tricycle.
The Big Wheel has been slightly modified for safety purposes.
If you come from an even younger generation, you might remember the Roller Racer, also called the Flying Turtle, the self-propelled ride-on toy.
Just put your feet on the handlebars, swing the handlebars from side to side, and it goes! If you prefer battery-operated vehicles, popular ones are the luxury cars, sports cars, tractors, power go-karts, and motorcycles.