Transfer & Removal of Rit Dye
- 1). Fill the large pot with 3 gallons of tap water, and turn the stove to a high-heat setting. Mix 1 cup of salt into the water when dyeing, as the salt enables the fabric to better absorb the color.
- 2). Reduce the dial to a low-heat setting when the water begins to boil.
- 3). Mix in 1 package of dye powder or 1/2 bottle of liquid dye into the pot of boiling water.
- 4). Rinse the fabric with hot water in the sink and submerge it into the pot.
- 5). Stir the fabric with the plastic spoon back and forth, as well as up an down to evenly distribute color. Stir the fabric in the mixture for 30 minutes. Leave the fabric in the dye for up to 1 hour to achieve the best results.
- 6). Remove the fabric from the pot and rinse in the sink with warm water. Switch to cool water and continue rinsing until the rinsing water is clear.
- 7). Launder the fabric in the washer with a mild laundry detergent and warm water. Remove the fabric from the washer and rinse with cool water.
- 8). Air dry the fabric and empty the large pot in the sink. Clean the washer and pot with chlorine bleach to remove the dye.
- 1). Heat a large pot filled with 3 gallons of tap water on the stove, and empty the packet of color remover powder into the water.
- 2). Wait 10 to 15 minutes, or until the water begins to boil, before soaking the fabric in the mixture.
- 3). Reduce the heat setting under the pot.
- 4). Stir the fabric in the mixture using a plastic spoon to soak all of the fabric in the color remover mixture. The fabric must be stirred in the mixture continuously in order for the color remover to lift the dye evenly.
- 5). Remove the fabric from the mixture after 30 minutes of continuous stirring and rinse it in warm water in the sink.
- 6). Rinse out the pot and sink with hot water and dish washing liquid to remove all traces of the color remover.
- 7). Launder the fabric in the washer using a warm water temperature setting, and air dry the fabric after the wash cycle is complete. Alternately, throw the fabric in the dryer on a low-heat setting.