Best Credit Card Offers: Five Guidelines To Choosing The Right Offer
Know where you stand
You may have an outstanding credit rating, or you may be recovering from bankruptcy. Whether you fall to one extreme or the other (or somewhere in between), there is a card for you. Before you fill out an application, you may want to find out what your credit score is. You can then search for a card that is tailored to your particular score.
Understand how you will use the card
Will you use the card for everyday purchases? If so, consider finding one that will reward you often, like a cash back card. Are you planning to buy a big item, like a car or television? If that's the case, look for one that will give you a substantial credit limit. If you just need a card for emergencies, look for one that does not charge an annual fee. Whatever the case, think about how you will use the account and then find features that fit into your plans.
Consider your payment habits
Do you always pay on time? Do you often carry a balance from one month to the next? If you usually carry a balance, look for a card with a low interest rate. If you always pay off the entire amount, consider shopping around for different benefits.
Check the APR
This is the annual percentage rate, and if you usually carry a balance, you'll want it to be low. Many cards offer an introductory 0% APR, during which time you will not be charged any interest. The time will end, though, so find out what you will be paying in interest after the initial offer ends.
Look at the details
Credit cards often have a number of charges or fees attached to them. Check to see if yours will come with an annual fee. Also look at what it charges for late payments and for going over the limit. You may be able to transfer a balance on to the card, and there might be a charge to do so. So read through the details before you apply to get an idea of what to expect.
One of the best places to look for a credit card is online. Credit card websites offer you many options, and make it easy to sort through the selection available. You can even compare cards side by side on your computer screen.
Follow these guidelines and you'll be able to find the card that fits best into your lifestyle. It may take a little bit of time, but the initial research will be well worthwhile in the long run. You'll end up with a card that gives you great benefits and suits you well.
Look online today and find the card you need. Once you apply, you'll know exactly what to expect. And that's the first step toward making the credit card work for you.