All About Facebook Application Development
It is one of the most popular social networks in the world.
Predominated by youngsters, the user base is almost about 500 million active users.
Indeed, even these statistics have been taken from one of the applications from Facebook.
The fact sheet also states that there are almost as many as 20 million installations of Facebook everyday and they are developed using the Facebook platform, by people from more than 190 countries.
One other interesting fact about Facebook is that Facebook development has made inroads to mobile users as well and today, people accessing Facebook through their mobile phones are twice as active as their non - mobile counterparts.
Other websites integrate with Facebook as well, in order to spread the awareness about their business or about their websites.
As many as 10,000 new business websites are connected with Facebook every day.
Some of the Facebook applications There is a plethora of Facebook Application Development introduced each day and one is free to choose the application of his / her choice.
Some of the applications which are ready - made applications are Facebook for iPhone, Causes, Mafia wards ( a game which has almost half the Facebook users playing), Sketch me, Trip Advisor, Birthday cards and My calendar which server to remind a person about his daily agenda.
The beauty of these applications is that there is even an application available, which allows a person scope for Facebook Application Development.
This application uses all the protocols of web application building and enables even the least knowledgeable person to build an application.
Games on Facebook Games seem to be the heart beat of many Facebook user.
In fact, the popularity is so high that there is stiff competition between people playing the same game.
The very fact that this creative website design is being used so frequently declares the success of Facebook Application development.
One of the facts to be noted at this stage is that most of the Facebook Development takes place offshore.
Offshore development is one of the business techniques being practised today and it involves setting up the office away from home, with people who possess the required skill sets.
The offices concerned with offshore development have different procedures like setting up the physical atmosphere, the computer connections with the necessary tools, hire the required personnel and create the correct protocols for responsibility transfer and reporting.