Facts About Yohimbe
- Allstarhealth.com reports that yohimbe bark is known to increase an individual's metabolism as well as fat oxidation and energy. Yohimbe bark is included in diets and weight loss formulas because of these characteristics.
- Yohimbine releases nonrepineprhine, which is a hormone that increases blood flow, particularly in the genital region. Yohimbine is considered to be an aphrodisiac. Considered the female Vigara, sexual pleasure is reportedly increased by using his herb. However, do not take it if you are pregnant.
- Yohimbe bark reportedly fights free radicals because it is a powerful antioxidant. If used, it is believed to prevent clogged arteries, which will lessen your chances of having a heart attack, according to Yohimbeguide.com.
- Tritonnutrition.com warns that some of the side effects of yohimbe usage are not pleasant, including heart palpitations, cramps, nausea, visual disturbances and a rapid heart beat. Yohimbe and yohimbine, the bark, will cause you to sweat because the herb increases your body temperature.
- Yohimbe should be avoided if you have high blood pressure or heart problems. Furthermore, if you are prone to anxiety attacks, don't take this herb. Tritonnutrition.com notes that yohimbe bark should not be mixed with other medications. Because yohimbe bark is a stimulant, if you take ginseng or drink a lot of caffeine or alcohol it is not a good idea to add yohimbe to the mix.