Relationship Between Sex and Diabetes
Therefore, diabetics need to consider the many effects of sexual activity, especially against the possibility of decreasing blood sugar levels after having sexual activity.
Action usually recommended to diabetics is to check their blood sugar level before having sexual activity.
Right diet done before or after having sexual activity is also quite useful.
It also becomes suggested-habit that can be done after exercise.
In women, controlling of diabetes usually considers their menstrual cycles.
Choice of contraception shall also be adjusted with their diabetes.
In addition, pregnancy and menopause will also be a different consideration in controlling blood sugar.
Conditions those may need to be understood by diabetics are when blood sugar levels are kept on the high condition in a long time, blood flow and nerves to the sexual organs that will be disrupted.
They will eventually led to sexual functions, which are also easily distracted.
Diabetes will be problematic in controlling bladder, known as bladders neurogenic disorders.
To prevent such interference, doctors will suggest female diabetics who experience disruption to empty her bladder before and after intercourse.
Emptying the bladder after sexual intercourse is known to prevent infection in the bladder.
In addition, damage of nerves and blood vessels will also make vagina mucus process to be reduced so that vagina remains dry despite the sexual titillation.
It causes sexual activity becomes uncomfortable.
In male diabetics, the major concern due to damage of nerves and blood to the sexual organs is impotence.
Along with age, impotence is indeed as real threat to the normal men and diabetics.
Impotence generally attacks men over the 50 years old age, while diabetics have greater risk.
About 50-60% of >50-year-old male diabetics are attacked by impotence with different levels.
Impotence means the inability to obtain and maintain erection.
Please note that men with diabetes have the possibility of 10-15 years earlier to experience erectile problems.
Impotence can be caused by physical or psychological disorders.
Impotence due to psychological disorder usually occurs suddenly, whereas impotence due to physical disturbance occurs gradually.
In men with diabetes, disorder is generally caused by deterioration of the nerves or blood vessels to the sexual organs.