How to Get Pregnant Fast - Simple Tips to Aid Conception
If you would like to know how to get pregnant fast, just a few simple tips could be all you need to get you over that stumbling block which is preventing you becoming pregnant.
First of all, common-sense would dictate that you prepare your body in advance for such a momentous event.
You would not plant seeds into an overgrown garden and nor should you try to get pregnant if your body has not been "prepared".
Preparation involves ensuring that both you and your partner are as healthy as possible.
So, stop smoking, drinking alcohol and ensure that you both eat a very healthy diet, including lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Preconception vitamin and mineral supplements are also very popular nowadays and are worthy of consideration and, of course, you should take Folic Acid ideally for a few months before conception.
Avoid processed foods and those with higher levels of unhealthy fats and sugars.
Caffeine is also thought to adversely affect fertility.
Drinking more than three cups a day of strong coffee is thought to impair fertility.
However, one study has shown that if the man drinks a cup of coffee a few minutes before intercourse, then sperm motility is improved.
Knowing your fertile days is vital if you are wanting to know how to get pregnant fast.
Ovulation occurs 14 days before the menstrual period, so if your period is anything other than as regular as clockwork, then you should get hold of an ovulation predictor kit.
Once you have determined when ovulation is taking place, then if possible, you should have intercourse for three days leading up to ovulation, the day itself and a day afterwards.
First of all, common-sense would dictate that you prepare your body in advance for such a momentous event.
You would not plant seeds into an overgrown garden and nor should you try to get pregnant if your body has not been "prepared".
Preparation involves ensuring that both you and your partner are as healthy as possible.
So, stop smoking, drinking alcohol and ensure that you both eat a very healthy diet, including lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Preconception vitamin and mineral supplements are also very popular nowadays and are worthy of consideration and, of course, you should take Folic Acid ideally for a few months before conception.
Avoid processed foods and those with higher levels of unhealthy fats and sugars.
Caffeine is also thought to adversely affect fertility.
Drinking more than three cups a day of strong coffee is thought to impair fertility.
However, one study has shown that if the man drinks a cup of coffee a few minutes before intercourse, then sperm motility is improved.
Knowing your fertile days is vital if you are wanting to know how to get pregnant fast.
Ovulation occurs 14 days before the menstrual period, so if your period is anything other than as regular as clockwork, then you should get hold of an ovulation predictor kit.
Once you have determined when ovulation is taking place, then if possible, you should have intercourse for three days leading up to ovulation, the day itself and a day afterwards.