Lose Weight Naturally - 3 Tips to Lose Weight and Burn Fat

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Losing weight is difficult and is the hardest task in the world if you have not had any success in the past.
The more you try, the harder it gets.
The fat is like a tattoo, and no matter how hard you work at it, nothing seems to shake it lose.
Dedication and hard work are the keys, and you can apply the three tips below to take control of the situation, and lose weight and burn fat.
  1. Water - Try to drink plenty of water with a minimum of 8 glasses per day - 8 ounces per glass.
    Water keeps you hydrated throughout the day, help flush away residues internally and suppress your appetite to stop craving.
    Drink ice cold water when possible as it can help burn some calories along the way.
    Avoid sugar drinks, sodas, and alcohol.
  2. Exercise - If you're just starting out, try not to do vigorous exercise regimes and get burnout.
    Instead, take it slow, and get yourself into the rhythm through warm up.
    The best exercise to lose weight and burn fat is the exercise you enjoy doing most where you give 100% percent of your effort.
    High intensity workout tends to make most damage.
    Don't be afraid the mix up a few exercises you love.
    For example, biking riding today, swimming tomorrow, walking the following day.
  3. Food - Natural and fresh healthy foods can keep the weight in check and lose the fat more quickly.
    Avoid eating and buying packaged foods because these foods are not fresh and stripped of nutrients.
    Make your own meal and include fruits, vegetables, and other healthy food groups.
Eat 5 - 6 small meals per day and drink plenty of water.
When craving for food, snack on a hand full of nuts and seeds, soy foods, fruits, or vegetables.
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