Make Sure Your Tapwater is Safe to Drink, Build a Homemade Water Filter
Most people are afraid of drinking tap water, and often with good reason. Often they are so afraid of the dangers of municipal water that they spend thousands a year on bottled water. The truth is, according to many environmental agencies and groups, bottled water is often no safer than tap water. Tests on various bottled water brands reveal that they often contain many of the impurities and pollutants that are present in tap water. So people are throwing away money on something that isn't really a very good alternative.
Those who want to be sure their home water is safe to drink usually do the next logical thing, they purchase an expensive home water filtering system in hopes that it will remove the dangerous toxins that are often present. For the most part, this is a wise alternative, albeit an expensive one. But, these filters are designed to remove those impurities specified by the government, and as we have already seen there are many other dangerous contaminants that aren't even covered by the safe water guidelines.
The best way to be sure that the water coming into your house is safe to drink is to build a homemade water filter that is certain, by nature of its construction, to remove any and all of the pollutants that the water utility doesn't even test for. Many of you probably feel that building a water filter is beyond your abilities, but in reality the process is very simple and can be done by anyone.
The benefits of the homemade water filter are many. The first is that it is easy to construct with locally available materials. Second, the home built filter is many times less expensive to build than store bought alternatives and requires less maintenance. Third, the do it yourself filter will give you years of clean, safe water before anything needs to be replaced. The homemade water filter will last up to 12 years or it will filter approximately 6000 gallons of water before any kind of maintenance needs to be performed.
With the dangers of tap water and bottled water, it is important that your family has a reliable, clean and safe source of water. Look into building a homemade water filter today, the peace of mind you will gain will easily make up for the small expense in time and money very quickly.