Lower Cholesterol Naturally - Is it Possible?

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It is possible to lower cholesterol naturally, but the first thing to consider is whether or not your levels are actually too high.
In order to do that, you will need a simple blood test.
If you have already had a blood test and your doctor has recommended statin drugs, if lowering your level is not possible with natural solutions, then you should make every effort to do it yourself and avoid the use of statin drugs.
They are accompanied by numerous adverse reactions, which are often overlooked, because the benefits seem to be so high.
Of course, a number of researchers and practitioners believe that the benefits have been overstated, especially for people that are relatively healthy.
They admit that for people with known cardiovascular diseases, statin drugs and other aggressive therapies should be employed.
But, the number of people taking statin drugs is much higher than those with known cardiovascular disease.
If you have had a test, your doctor may have recommended dietary changes and increased exercise.
Those approaches are often beneficial.
Decreasing alcohol intake is sometimes the best solution to naturally lower cholesterol levels.
The substance is actually a waxy combination of fats and alcohol.
The majority found circulating in the bloodstream is produced by the liver.
It is important to understand that unnaturally low blood levels are dangerous, too.
There is reason to believe that reaching the extremely low levels, now being recommended by some groups, increases your risk of depression and Alzheimer's disease.
The brain needs the substance for a number of purposes, including the production of mood-regulating hormones.
Even proponents of statin drug use admit that the reaction experienced by the individual can vary.
There is no way to determine a person's reaction before hand, but there are other ways to determine if a person is actually at an increased risk for cardiovascular disease.
Measuring total blood triglycerides is one of them.
There are many nutrients that have been proven to lower cholesterol naturally.
Some of them also lower total blood triglycerides.
Triglycerides are fats in the bloodstream.
Like cholesterol-particles, the fats can adhere to the arterial walls and become oxidized or hardened.
This can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.
If you don't have high blood pressure, you might not have an increased risk for heart disease.
If you HDL readings are good, then you should be able to naturally lower cholesterol in your bloodstream by taking a dietary supplement.
There are many dietary supplements on the market, today.
Some are, of course, better than others.
What you want to look for is one that addresses all of the causes of cholesterol-imbalance.
It is not simply the total level that needs to be considered, but the balance of HDL to LDL particles.
HDL should be as high as possible.
LDL should be as low as possible.
If you want to lower cholesterol naturally, look for a supplement that contains policosanol, rice bran oil, theaflavins and other beneficial ingredients.
They are far safer than statin drugs.
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