Why a Kerala Honeymoon Tour?
Choosing where to go on your honeymoon is a difficult to say the least. There are so many different options available to you and some might say that choosing a Kerala Honeymoon Tour might be a little bit brave. Especially when you consider the other options available to you such as Bali, Carrabian, Jamaca etc. Why go on your honeymoon in Kerala when you have all these other amazing options available? Where on earth is Kerala anyway? Both good questions which I am planning to explore in detail in this article.
First of all though let us talk about why going to some resort in the Carrabian for your honeymoon is not a good idea. Well actually it is not a bad idea at all, the Carrabian is a beautiful place a fact that no one can deny but is it no a bit dull? What can a 5 star hotel in the Carabian give you that you can't elsewhere? Tthe answer to which is nothing, apart from a big credit card bill. Yes it is expenisve, yes it is luxurious, yes it is sunny and yes it is very very romantic but is that all you want out of your honeymoon? I think not, and that is why I recommend to you spending your honeymoon in Kerala, a small state in the South of India which is now one of the most sought after tourist destinations in the world.
Kerala is indeed a special place and more and more people are choosing to spend their honeymoons here every year for many different reasons.
The Highlights of a Honeymoon in Kerala
The Kerala backwaters are one of the highlights of any trip to Kerala. Imagine two or three days of complete and utter relaxation in some of the most spectacular scenery in the world. Imagine cruising around on a luxurious houseboat away from everything apart from your new Husband or Wife. Now add to that thought some seriously amazing food, an excellent array of wildlife on display and a beautiful sunset and you have there a perfect honeymoon experience.
The next part of a Kerala Honeymoon tour is a trip into the Western Ghats and the chances are the hillstation of Munnar will be one of your first stops. Munnar is a small town surrounded by a gloriously picturesque landscape of rich green tea planatations. Expect to do some really amazing trekking, a bit of mountain biking and some swimming before moving on to some othert beautiful exotic location like one of the wildlife parks for example.
No honeymoon tour in Kerala is complete without a visit to Kovalam, a beach in the North of the state which has become synonmous with honeymoon couples for its gorgeos prsitine sands and even more gorgeous hotels and resorts.
Cochin is not the capital city of Kerala but is considered to be the cultural centre of Kerala nad is most likely the city where you will fly to. It is a great place to do some siteseeing, watch the fishermen hauling in their loads and do some shopping.
In Conclusion
Of course these are only a few of the highlights of a honeymoon in kerala and there are plenty more to speak of but I think already you can see why me and so many others like me advocate Kerala as a honeymoon destination instead of the Bahamas or somewhere like that.
And we have not even begun to talk about value! Expect to pay many thousands for two weeks in a hotel in Barbados but expect a huge amount less for a Kerala honeymoon tour. And before you begin I know exaclty what you are thinking, ‘what about the dirt, poverty, begging and pollution?' And you are right to think that but you must know that Kerala is different from the rest of India and has much lower levels of all the points mentioned above meaning that you really have no argument not to spend your honeymoon in Kerala!
First of all though let us talk about why going to some resort in the Carrabian for your honeymoon is not a good idea. Well actually it is not a bad idea at all, the Carrabian is a beautiful place a fact that no one can deny but is it no a bit dull? What can a 5 star hotel in the Carabian give you that you can't elsewhere? Tthe answer to which is nothing, apart from a big credit card bill. Yes it is expenisve, yes it is luxurious, yes it is sunny and yes it is very very romantic but is that all you want out of your honeymoon? I think not, and that is why I recommend to you spending your honeymoon in Kerala, a small state in the South of India which is now one of the most sought after tourist destinations in the world.
Kerala is indeed a special place and more and more people are choosing to spend their honeymoons here every year for many different reasons.
The Highlights of a Honeymoon in Kerala
The Kerala backwaters are one of the highlights of any trip to Kerala. Imagine two or three days of complete and utter relaxation in some of the most spectacular scenery in the world. Imagine cruising around on a luxurious houseboat away from everything apart from your new Husband or Wife. Now add to that thought some seriously amazing food, an excellent array of wildlife on display and a beautiful sunset and you have there a perfect honeymoon experience.
The next part of a Kerala Honeymoon tour is a trip into the Western Ghats and the chances are the hillstation of Munnar will be one of your first stops. Munnar is a small town surrounded by a gloriously picturesque landscape of rich green tea planatations. Expect to do some really amazing trekking, a bit of mountain biking and some swimming before moving on to some othert beautiful exotic location like one of the wildlife parks for example.
No honeymoon tour in Kerala is complete without a visit to Kovalam, a beach in the North of the state which has become synonmous with honeymoon couples for its gorgeos prsitine sands and even more gorgeous hotels and resorts.
Cochin is not the capital city of Kerala but is considered to be the cultural centre of Kerala nad is most likely the city where you will fly to. It is a great place to do some siteseeing, watch the fishermen hauling in their loads and do some shopping.
In Conclusion
Of course these are only a few of the highlights of a honeymoon in kerala and there are plenty more to speak of but I think already you can see why me and so many others like me advocate Kerala as a honeymoon destination instead of the Bahamas or somewhere like that.
And we have not even begun to talk about value! Expect to pay many thousands for two weeks in a hotel in Barbados but expect a huge amount less for a Kerala honeymoon tour. And before you begin I know exaclty what you are thinking, ‘what about the dirt, poverty, begging and pollution?' And you are right to think that but you must know that Kerala is different from the rest of India and has much lower levels of all the points mentioned above meaning that you really have no argument not to spend your honeymoon in Kerala!