Masking Vs. Clipping Path
Clipping Path Photoshop is the important service for the graphics design. Designers are working with different kinds of Clipping Path Service; as like Basic or Simple or Easy Path Service, Complex, Super Complex, Extreme and Moderate Path Service, multiple or Color Path Services, Path with Flatness including so many services. Again in Photoshop Masking has five types and it's are Layer Mask, Vector Mask, Quick Mask, Adjustment Layer Mask, Clipping Mask. All are plenty important for making design with Photoshop. In Photoshop 3's new layers, designer could create composite images with discrete graphic elements, where through applying Layer mask to hide or show all or component of them. In Vector Mask If we turn a vector mask into a layer mask; it substitutes an existing layer mask or adds one to a layer that does not include one. In Quick Mask provides a temporary pixel-based visualization of a selection, one that improves on the animated dotted line called marching ants that appears in the document window. In Adjustment Layer Mask, pixel-based masks expand the functionality of adjustment layers, building it achievable to create a narrowly precise color correction that applies to a similarly narrowly defined part of a layer. Any types of Adobe Photoshop mask can serve as a clipping mask.
If designer wants to edit or create an image then they can't think masking or clipping path because both are related with each other. So making a celestial, striking and stunning design both are necessary for make the design fulfill. Also there are plenty companies whose are providing these graphics design related service. They aren't serving only path or image masking. They also provide Apparel Adopt on Doll, Digital Makeup, High End Retouching, Object Removing, Multi Path, Image Restoration, Neck Joint (Ghost mannequin), Normal Retouching, layout Redrawing, Creating Shadows as like Drop Shadow, Reflection Shadow, Color Correction, Image Cropping, Resizing, Product Shadow, Natural Shadow, Logo Design, Web Design, Digital Printing, Page Composition, Ad Design for Magazines, Newspapers or Catalogs etc. We have to find out the better services companies for better design.