Herbal Remedies for Gout
Herbal remedies are much more affordable and they are quite effective in easing the pain and discomfort. When monosodium urate, also known as uric acid, hardens or crystallizes around the joints of the ankle and big toe, it can cause sudden extreme pain. The blood circulation inside the feet areas is less and so the crystals of uric acid tend to stick to the joints of the ankle and big toe, thereby causing gout. The feet are usually cold and so with lower temperatures, the UA can easily harden around the joint areas. If the body can't eliminate the uric acid, it will stick to the joints, bodily tissues, and tendons; when this illness is left untreated, it can lead to complications and other unfavorable health conditions.
Your diet may be the primary cause of gout. If you frequently eat seafood, organ meats, and junk foods, you will be prone to this disease. At risk are elderly men and those with a history of gout in the family. Women are not exempted from the illness but there are less gout cases among women though. People who drink too much alcohol are also susceptible to developing this condition.
Herbal remedies are not only cheap but very effective as well. If you want an organic alternative, you can try chickweed. Get one tablespoon of this herb and put it in one cup boiling water. Leave it for 4 hours and then filter it out. Drink ¼ of the mixture four times every day.
If you don't want to drink any herbal preparations, you can make an ointment from unsalted butter and hops. Mix equal parts of these ingredients and use it as a gout ointment. Rub it over the affected are everyday.
For gout pains, you can mix 700 milliliters vodka and 2 tbsp lilac blooms. Leave the mixture for about a week. After that, you can take 50 drops of the mixture before meals, three times each day.
Another homemade remedy is to drink fresh orange juice twice a day. Recent studies have proven that orange juice increases the vitamin C level in the body. The vitamin C can lower the uric acid thereby preventing gout.
There are still other herbal remedies that you can try but try to seek medical advice first. It would be wise to consult a doctor first before taking any medication or herbal remedy. You can also consult herbalists or licensed healers about the proper preparation of these herbal remedies for gout.
Herbal remedies for gout [http://www.goutanswers.info/What-are-the-most-effective-herbal-remedies-for-gout.html] are quite effective. The remedies are an excellent choice for those who can't afford the expensive gout medications. Medical costs are continuously rising and the less fortunate ones don't need to suffer from gout pain. Choose the best herbal remedy which works best on you and start treating your illness.