The Importance of Pre-Employment Testing
Increasing employee productivity is important to every company because its success is dependent on the work ethic of each employee. How exactly can pre-employment testing increase productivity? Skill assessment and personality testing. Skill assessment is simple and can save an employer quite a bit of time and money. Most jobs require employees to have a past knowledge or expertise in a certain field. In a perfect world every resume would be truthful and accurate, but sometimes candidates will exaggerate their skill level to get a job. This can be costly to an employer, since they will now have to train the employee when another candidate might have been knowledgeable and ready to start working.
Another way a pre-employment test will increase productivity is by including detailed questions about the employee's personality traits and work characteristics. While many cover letters can be tailored to fit any job, a personality test will show the employee's true compatibility with the position and whether they would be a fit. A happy employee is much more positive and productive for your company, so ensuring their compatibility with the position should never be overlooked.
Employing and retaining a diligent workforce can make a huge difference in the success of your company. Company retention is vital for growing your company into a success. Losing an employee costs a company time and money by rehiring and retraining for the position. Pre-employment testing can help you retain quality employees by ensuring that they are the right candidate for the job in the first place.
Pre-employment testing can also save a company time and money by being a solid defense for a company's employment decisions. Hiring an employee can become complicated when qualified candidates feel they were overlooked. Companies have become very sensitive to hiring discrimination because a lawsuit could cost them thousands of dollars. Having a measurable dataset can prevent discrimination lawsuits and can help clarify the exact reason why a candidate was not chosen for the position.
As companies learn the value of pre-employment testing it is becoming a standard practice in many fields. Many companies are finding that a good learning management system can be a valuable tool in pre-testing candidates. Using a learning management system can help shorten, quicken and streamline the testing process and can even organize the results for you. A learning management system can turn a lengthy and uncertain hiring process into a quick and productive one.