What Paperwork is Needed For a Destination Wedding on the French Riviera - Cote D"azur?

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In this article you will find information on all legal things concerning destination weddings in France.
Note that there may be local regulations and always in liaise with local authorities in the city where you want to get married to see if there are special local requirements.
Ceremonies: Civil Ceremony: To be legal, a French civil authority (Officier de l'état civil) must perform all weddings before any religious ceremony takes place.
In practice, this means that the mayor (maire) or his duly authorized representative as Deputy Mayor (adjoint), or councilor (conseiller municipal) of the city must perform the wedding.
At least one of the parties to be married has to be a French Resident for at least 40 days prior to the marriage.
Religious ceremony: In France, a religious ceremony is not a legal marriage and can only take place after the civil ceremony.
The minister, priest or rabbi performing the religious ceremony will require the civil marriage certificate (Certificate of celebration civile) as proof that the civil ceremony has taken place.
Residency requirements - Place of Marriage The bride or the groom must be a French Resident for at least 40 consecutive days before the marriage: the Mairie (City Hall) or the city where the civil ceremony takes place is dictated by the place of residence.
If both parties to marry meet the residency requirement, but resided in different districts, the civil ceremony can take place in either district of residence.
There is almost no exception possible on the 40-day residence requirement, making it impossible to have an official wedding on the French Riviera when both sides are just visiting for a short stay.
One of the common get a rounds is to perform the lawful wedding in your home country and have a non-official ceremony on the French Riviera.
Publications of banns: French law also requires the publication of wedding banns at the Mairie (City Hall) no less than 10 days before the wedding date.
Some cities may require that the complete wedding file will be presented up to 10 or more days before the publication of banns.
Contact your local City Hall for the exact requirements.
The first publication of the banns can be made only at the end of the 30 days of residence in France.
Documents It is very important that you first learn about all necessary documents for marriage in the City hall (Mairie), where the wedding will take place.
Because each City Hall has its own requirements.
You should also check if they accept the statements available at the Embassy.
Most City Halls require some or all of the following documents:
  1. A valid passport, a visa for France, and / or a carte de sejour
  2. A birth certificate (extrait d'acte de naissance) not more than 3 months oldMost City Halls require a certified copy of your birth certificate joined with the state issued apostille together with a certified translation.
    You must obtain a translation of a sworn translator, you can find a list at your local city hall.
  3. An affidavit of marital status (certificat de célibat ou de non-remariage) not more than 3 months old, most of the time a certificate of celibacy is also required
  4. Proof of residence (justificatifs of address).
    You will need to present 2 proofs of residence in France for mayor of the city of marriage (ie, electricity or telephone bills, rent, etc.
  5. du certificat notary: Besides the above, if the parties opt for a prenuptial contract governing the marriage of their respective properties (regime du marriage,) the French notary preparing the contract will give the couple a certificate (certificat du notary), also due to the Board.
Marriage Certificate: Couples married in France automatically receive a Livret de famille.
This is a booklet that serves as an official record of a wedding and subsequent events in the family, such as births, deaths, divorce or name changes.
These facts are recorded in the booklet.
In France, the Livret de famille is an official document.
It is also possible to obtain a marriage certificate (extrait d'acte de marriage) in writing to city hall where the wedding took place.
You must indicate: a) Date and place of wedding, and b) The full names (including maiden name of wife) of the two parties.
If the certificate must be presented in France, the application must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
If the certificate must be sent to an address not French, provide a self-addressed, international postal coupons to cover international postage.
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