Can LASIK Correct Your Vision?
If you are tired of wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses because your eyesight is less than 20/20, you might be a good candidate for LASIK eye surgery.
This type of surgery can correct many different types of eye conditions and leave you with perfect vision.
To understand the specifics involved, you should see your eye doctor to verify if you are a good candidate.
Once you have received the approval of your ophthalmologist, you can schedule an appointment with a LASIK specialist to discuss your options.
Who Can Qualify For LASIK Eye Surgery? Most people who suffer from the following can qualify for LASIK eye surgery: - Myopia - Nearsightedness - When you cannot see objects from a distance, your doctor usually diagnoses you with myopia.
It is one of the most common eye conditions to date and is caused by a flat cornea that does not allow enough light to filter through.
Instead, the light passes in front of the retina, rather than on it; objects appear very blurred.
- Hyperopia - Farsightedness - A common eye condition that prevents you from seeing close up.
This happens when the cornea becomes flattened and objects that are close appear blurry or distorted.
- Astigmatism - An astigmatism happens when your cornea becomes uneven and your eyes cannot focus properly; your vision becomes blurred.
An astigmatism can often accompany nearsightedness or farsightedness.
- Presbyopia - This is a condition that often affects people over age 40.
When you are young, your eye lenses focus on objects that are close and far very easily, as you age this changes.
Your lenses can become stiff and stop focusing on objects, especially those that are very close.
One of the reasons many people use reading glasses when they reach a certain age is because of presbyopia.
How Does The Process Work? While the actual process is quite fast, averaging about 10 to 20 minutes per eye, the pre-surgical steps are long and detailed.
You may see your doctor approximately three to four times before the actual procedure.
You will be evaluated and tested frequently, in fact, the day before your LASIK procedure, you may find yourself in the office for one final diagnosis.
An anesthesia is applied to both eyes and if required, a sedative for relaxation purposes.
The eyelid is cleaned, prepped and taped backwards exposing the eyeball.
The surgeon makes a small cut on the first layer of the cornea, lifts it and uses lasers to reshape the cornea to improve vision.
Once the laser process is complete, the cornea layer is returned to its natural place.
The steps are repeated on your other eye.
After the procedure is complete, you will be given shields for your eyes to protect them.
Schedule your follow-up visit for the next day.
What Is The Recovery Period? LASIK eye surgery is perhaps one of the fastest types of surgical procedures.
While it seems evasive, it is extremely safe and painless and requires no sutures or stitches.
This is the reason for the speedy recovery.
You can expect to return to your regular daily activities within 24 to 48 hours after your follow-up visit.
This type of surgery can correct many different types of eye conditions and leave you with perfect vision.
To understand the specifics involved, you should see your eye doctor to verify if you are a good candidate.
Once you have received the approval of your ophthalmologist, you can schedule an appointment with a LASIK specialist to discuss your options.
Who Can Qualify For LASIK Eye Surgery? Most people who suffer from the following can qualify for LASIK eye surgery: - Myopia - Nearsightedness - When you cannot see objects from a distance, your doctor usually diagnoses you with myopia.
It is one of the most common eye conditions to date and is caused by a flat cornea that does not allow enough light to filter through.
Instead, the light passes in front of the retina, rather than on it; objects appear very blurred.
- Hyperopia - Farsightedness - A common eye condition that prevents you from seeing close up.
This happens when the cornea becomes flattened and objects that are close appear blurry or distorted.
- Astigmatism - An astigmatism happens when your cornea becomes uneven and your eyes cannot focus properly; your vision becomes blurred.
An astigmatism can often accompany nearsightedness or farsightedness.
- Presbyopia - This is a condition that often affects people over age 40.
When you are young, your eye lenses focus on objects that are close and far very easily, as you age this changes.
Your lenses can become stiff and stop focusing on objects, especially those that are very close.
One of the reasons many people use reading glasses when they reach a certain age is because of presbyopia.
How Does The Process Work? While the actual process is quite fast, averaging about 10 to 20 minutes per eye, the pre-surgical steps are long and detailed.
You may see your doctor approximately three to four times before the actual procedure.
You will be evaluated and tested frequently, in fact, the day before your LASIK procedure, you may find yourself in the office for one final diagnosis.
An anesthesia is applied to both eyes and if required, a sedative for relaxation purposes.
The eyelid is cleaned, prepped and taped backwards exposing the eyeball.
The surgeon makes a small cut on the first layer of the cornea, lifts it and uses lasers to reshape the cornea to improve vision.
Once the laser process is complete, the cornea layer is returned to its natural place.
The steps are repeated on your other eye.
After the procedure is complete, you will be given shields for your eyes to protect them.
Schedule your follow-up visit for the next day.
What Is The Recovery Period? LASIK eye surgery is perhaps one of the fastest types of surgical procedures.
While it seems evasive, it is extremely safe and painless and requires no sutures or stitches.
This is the reason for the speedy recovery.
You can expect to return to your regular daily activities within 24 to 48 hours after your follow-up visit.