The 5 Realities Of Financial Independence
Use words like hope, belief, faith, victory.
" -Norman Vincent Peale Reality #1 -If you are not already financially independent, you must change your behavior to succeed Don't bury your head in the sand hoping that things will eventually work out.
Life is a matter of choices.
The results of the choices you make and have made are the result of where your life is now and where it will be in the future.
If you want to change your life, make different choices.
Reality #2 - You must be willing to put forth effort WORK is a "four letter word" to some people but it is a very necessary ingredient in your recipe for success.
The effort that you put forth will be a whole lot more in the beginning and once you get rolling, the effort will be less.
The hardest part is getting started.
Effort and wealth are much like opposing lines on a graph.
When you first start out, it takes a lot of effort but you have little or no wealth, so effort is high and wealth is low on the graph.
But over time, wealth increases and effort can decrease until one day wealth will be high with little or no effort.
Reality #3 - You must develop and maintain a long term view This means that you must make some short term sacrifices to achieve your long term goals.
You must postpone gratification.
You need to put off that flat screen TV, vacation or golf game that you wanted to learn so you can do the extra work necessary to do all the TV watching, vacations or golfing that you want in the future.
Reality #4 - If you are planning a home based business to accelerate your journey to financial independence, you must build that business around a product or service in high demand.
The most important thing that a business person needs to know is that you need customers to succeed and the only way to have customers is to have something that they will give their hard earned money to you.
Reality #5 - It takes more than a few weeks to build true financial independence My personal debt freedom program took just under seven years to complete.
It did not happen overnight.
Get rich quick schemes are not the answer to true financial independence.
Only the foolish waste time searching for that magic bullet they think will overcome a lifetime of poor financial and business decisions.
That is the "hope" that feeds lotteries, which a person ahs a much better chance of being struck by lightning than they have of winning the lottery.
And the ones that do win frequently end up broke because they never had the knowledge or plan to manage the winnings.