An Explanation on the Positive Aspects and Opinions of Newborn Baby Massage Therapies
With the above in mind, sometimes new parents will look at modern methods of helping their babies. Perhaps an intervention which is natural and aids babies digestive system whilst offering further touch to enhance a growing baby bond.
Infant massage offers parents the opportunity to become more connected to their infant, as well as a few other benefits.
By massaging baby, this immediately quickens up the circulation and will keep him warm whilst allowing him to relax whilst gazing into your eyes. The relaxation which massage brings about diminishes stress hormones which accumulate when he cries and will also lessen colic type symptoms.
Massage will allow your baby to stretch out his arms and legs, encouraging movement and growth. He will experience sensations that would not normally be recognised until later life and develop the ability to breathe calmly without realising this.
There are many benefits on an emotional level. The first, and probably the most obvious, is that it strengthens the bond between infant and parent. Here it is important to remember that it is not only one parent's responsibility to massage the infant. Both parents should participate in this activity so that the infant can develop equally strong bonds with both parents.
A baby will communicate during the early days by crying. He will cry for a feed, cry to be changed, cry if tired and cry if unwell. A mother will recognise the different cries and deal with the issue as necessary. Massage encourages a different kind of communication. Should you stumble upon a tickly spot and baby grizzles then this is a clear sign to stop. He has learned that this noise will make you stop what you are doing. A huge lesson to learn.
Baby massage encourages the bond between parent and child. Information is readily available from people who have had success stories so it makes sense to have a read through before dismissing the idea.
As a result of infant massage, Mum and Dad will feel the love that they already have for their baby increasing, making it easier to deal with fussiness, dirty nappies and digestive discomforts - definitely a worthwhile activity.
Infant massage offers parents the opportunity to become more connected to their infant, as well as a few other benefits.
By massaging baby, this immediately quickens up the circulation and will keep him warm whilst allowing him to relax whilst gazing into your eyes. The relaxation which massage brings about diminishes stress hormones which accumulate when he cries and will also lessen colic type symptoms.
Massage will allow your baby to stretch out his arms and legs, encouraging movement and growth. He will experience sensations that would not normally be recognised until later life and develop the ability to breathe calmly without realising this.
There are many benefits on an emotional level. The first, and probably the most obvious, is that it strengthens the bond between infant and parent. Here it is important to remember that it is not only one parent's responsibility to massage the infant. Both parents should participate in this activity so that the infant can develop equally strong bonds with both parents.
A baby will communicate during the early days by crying. He will cry for a feed, cry to be changed, cry if tired and cry if unwell. A mother will recognise the different cries and deal with the issue as necessary. Massage encourages a different kind of communication. Should you stumble upon a tickly spot and baby grizzles then this is a clear sign to stop. He has learned that this noise will make you stop what you are doing. A huge lesson to learn.
Baby massage encourages the bond between parent and child. Information is readily available from people who have had success stories so it makes sense to have a read through before dismissing the idea.
As a result of infant massage, Mum and Dad will feel the love that they already have for their baby increasing, making it easier to deal with fussiness, dirty nappies and digestive discomforts - definitely a worthwhile activity.