Essential Aspects of the Making of Music Videos
A music video is usually made after the song has been recorded. The singer and video producer together with the record company in some cases put their heads together and come up with something called a treatment. A treatment can be basically described as the concept outlining what the video will be about. It describes the form the video will take, whether it will be shot before a live audience, a narrative video with a storyline, or indeed any other format that the artiste may prefer. The treatment typically goes beyond defining the concept of the video: it includes details such as the location of the shoot, the pace, tone and overall feel of the video, as well as the images and the people to be included in it. A treatment is a very comprehensive plan for an upcoming music video.
With the treatment ready, the next thing is to do the storyboards, and which are vital for every step of the project going forward. A storyboard provides a visual representation of what the video should look like. It is the blueprint that keeps every participant focused on the project.
Casting for rap video vixens and other people to feature in the video is next. Usually, a casting director selects from several auditioning hip hop models a few who have proven to be capable of depicting the storylines and situations in the music video most convincingly. Any number of hip hop models can be recruited for the project depending on the predetermined concept and budget. Meanwhile, photography experts working on the project will be scouting for locations where the video will be shot. The choice of location depends on the concept of the video and can be internal in a studio environment or external at any place where filming is allowed.
The actual filming follows and this is where the rap video vixens get their chance to perform. The hip hop models are first spruced up by a makeup artist as is everyone else who will appear in the video. The video is then filmed from different angles in several locations and upon completion all the footage is put together and edited. The editor will proceed to glue bits and pieces of various films together to constitute the final product. The video will then be prepared for viewing by setting the correct sound levels, coloring, and indeed any other special effects needed to enhance it. The hot new video will then be mastered in a number of formats for the various channels through which you will view it such as TV, DVD, or the internet.