How to Use Foreign Toilets
- 1). Bring your own toilet paper and hand sanitizer. You cannot expect to find these items in all foreign toilets, so it is best to be prepared. For instance, squat toilets do not have toilet paper in them.
- 2). Wear a long shirt, or skirt if you are female, in case you are using toilet with no privacy. Some foreign bathrooms have stalls with no doors, which means no privacy. If you are concerned about your privacy, longer clothing can help to give you a little privacy.
- 3). Apply some minty lip balm under your nose before going into a foreign bathroom, if there is a strong odor. Some foreign toilets, particularly squat toilets, do not flush and result in overpowering bad smells in the bathroom. The lip balm under your nose can help mask some of that odor while you are in bathroom.
- 4). Insert a coin into the coin slot if you come across a pay toilet. Usually these are booths that are located throughout a city, such as in Paris and Amsterdam. After depositing your money, the door opens and you can enter. After you leave, water comes on in the booth to spray cleanse the entire thing, which means you cannot pay once and let a buddy go in after you without paying. If you try it, your friend will get sprayed by the water.
- 5). Look around your bathroom stall to see if there is a bucket or bin in the back corner with soiled toilet paper in it. If so, this is where you need to dispose of your toilet paper. Some countries, such as Turkey, have plumbing that cannot withstand the toilet paper in the toilet.