Demand Low Interest Credit Cards
Although any creditor wants to keep you as a customer as long as you pay properly, they also want to make as much money from you as they possibly can. So, with that said, it's easily understood as to why they will not come straight out and offer these low APR credit cards.
However, should you push the envelope and tell them you will be canceling the card and going through another credit card company, more often than not, they'll do what they have to do to keep you as a customer of their own.
Credit cards make these companies a huge amount of money in various ways, not only with the credit card holder being charged high interest rates, there are also administration fees and other charges including late fees, annual fees that certain credit cards carry and many more.
But there's more! Each transaction that is approved as another charge directed at the merchant. Therefore, depending on which credit card is being used and accepted, roughly 3 to 5% of the total amount charged is deducted from the merchants. Considering the way credit cards are being used today, that is a whole lot of money being exchanged and charged
So what does it take to be approved for low interest credit cards? The most important thing that any creditor will look for is that the client has excellent credit. Many credit card companies will offer low APR to good clients so long as they are never late on their payments. If three payments are made past the due date, you will lose the privilege of having this low APR will be returning to regular interest rates and you.
With that said, if your credit score is above average, and do what you must do to acquire such credit. Those creditors will not refuse to give them to you if you ask for them. One recommendation, however, is to ensure that you choose the correct type of credit card to suit your financial needs and your purchasing needs. In other words, those who rarely maintain the balance on their credit cards, fighting for a low APR card is practically senseless, and instead you may be benefiting from other types, such as reward cards.