How To Lose Inches Off Your Waist Fast Using 3 Exercises To Reduce Waist Size
Here's how to lose inches off your waist fast, using 3 exercises to reduce waist size.
I've had clients lose 3 inches in a month using just 1 of these exercises for just minutes a day.
How to Lose Inches Off Your Waist 1.
Vacuum Pose This is the exercise that can reduce your waist size by 3 inches in a month.
It's similar to just sucking in your belly, but different.
Here's how.
You need to suck in your belly button and lower belly, not your upper belly area.
That's a big mistake people make.
So what you do is suck in your belly button as much as possible.
When you can't suck it in anymore, hold that position for as long as you can (15-60 seconds is ideal).
Rest for maybe 15 seconds, then repeat.
My clients who do this for 15 minutes a day lose about 3 inches in a month.
If you don't have 15 minutes of time to spare, do these during commercials.
A 1 hour tv show has 22 minutes of commercials...
that's more than enough time to get 15 minutes of this in.
Walk on an incline Walking on flat surface pretty much sucks for fast weight loss, but walking on a 10-15 degree inclined treadmill or hill works great.
It's like night and day.
Try it and see for yourself.
I don't need to explain anything on this one, just try it once and you'll see what I mean.
Do 15-20 minutes, 4-5 times a week.
Spinning around in a circle like a child This extraordinary exercise will revolutionize the weight loss, increase energy, and general health communities.
Why? Because it almost instantly increases your energy and it prepares your body to lose massive amounts of weight.
How? It does it by stimulating your Endocrine System, which controls your hormones, to balance out it's hormonal releases.
Listen, chances are you have a big imbalance in your hormones...
just about everyone does.
This is because a variety of factors, but most are due to unnatural chemicals in foods, water, products, and the air.
With an imbalance in your hormones, you'll just have a hard time maintaining your weight, let alone lose weight.
Well, spinning solves that.
What you do is spin around 5-15 times so that you get slightly dizzy.
Spin clockwise and spin with your arms out like airplane wings.
Once you find the right number of times to spin, do it multiple times each day so that you stimulate your Endocrine System often.
Because this is an article, I'm leaving out some important details on this, but you can click the link below to get my free 19 page report that tells you exactly how to do this to lose a lot of weight fast.
How to lose inches off your waist hasn't been easier...
just use those 3 exercises to reduce your waist size by 3 or more inches in a month.
I've had clients lose 3 inches in a month using just 1 of these exercises for just minutes a day.
How to Lose Inches Off Your Waist 1.
Vacuum Pose This is the exercise that can reduce your waist size by 3 inches in a month.
It's similar to just sucking in your belly, but different.
Here's how.
You need to suck in your belly button and lower belly, not your upper belly area.
That's a big mistake people make.
So what you do is suck in your belly button as much as possible.
When you can't suck it in anymore, hold that position for as long as you can (15-60 seconds is ideal).
Rest for maybe 15 seconds, then repeat.
My clients who do this for 15 minutes a day lose about 3 inches in a month.
If you don't have 15 minutes of time to spare, do these during commercials.
A 1 hour tv show has 22 minutes of commercials...
that's more than enough time to get 15 minutes of this in.
Walk on an incline Walking on flat surface pretty much sucks for fast weight loss, but walking on a 10-15 degree inclined treadmill or hill works great.
It's like night and day.
Try it and see for yourself.
I don't need to explain anything on this one, just try it once and you'll see what I mean.
Do 15-20 minutes, 4-5 times a week.
Spinning around in a circle like a child This extraordinary exercise will revolutionize the weight loss, increase energy, and general health communities.
Why? Because it almost instantly increases your energy and it prepares your body to lose massive amounts of weight.
How? It does it by stimulating your Endocrine System, which controls your hormones, to balance out it's hormonal releases.
Listen, chances are you have a big imbalance in your hormones...
just about everyone does.
This is because a variety of factors, but most are due to unnatural chemicals in foods, water, products, and the air.
With an imbalance in your hormones, you'll just have a hard time maintaining your weight, let alone lose weight.
Well, spinning solves that.
What you do is spin around 5-15 times so that you get slightly dizzy.
Spin clockwise and spin with your arms out like airplane wings.
Once you find the right number of times to spin, do it multiple times each day so that you stimulate your Endocrine System often.
Because this is an article, I'm leaving out some important details on this, but you can click the link below to get my free 19 page report that tells you exactly how to do this to lose a lot of weight fast.
How to lose inches off your waist hasn't been easier...
just use those 3 exercises to reduce your waist size by 3 or more inches in a month.