Information and Support for Genital Herpes
Information and Support for Genital Herpes
The following genital herpes resources will help you locate more health information, referrals to clinics and clinical trials, hotlines, support groups, and more.
Genital Herpes Information
- American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Several educational pamphlets are available. Follow the link from the home page to the ACOG Bookstore. - CDC Division of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
CDC National STD Hotline
English: (800) 227-8922, (800) 342-2437
Spanish: (800) 344-7432
The web site of the CDC's STD division has statistics galore, plus fact sheets and links to other public-health resources, such as local and state health departments. The CDC also operates the National STD Hotline. Specialists at the hotline answer questions, provide referrals to clinics, and will send printed materials. - The National Institutes of Health, is a service of the National Institutes of Health. You can search the web site for clinical trials that are looking for patients to sign up. The database includes studies sponsored by government agencies, drug companies, universities, and other organizations.
Genital Herpes Support
- American Social Health Association
ASHA National Herpes Hotline
(919) 361-8488
Among the many herpes resources compiled by the American Social Health Association are links to contact information for support groups. Another ASHA web site,, provides sexual health information written specifically for teens.