How Do We Get Spots?
This is a question many people need an answer to: how do we get spots? Spots are caused by acne.
Acne is most common in teenagers where more than 8 out of 10 people are affected.
Older people, particularly men, can also get spots but this is less common.
Spots can cause scarring if left untreated.
Picking or squeezing, as tempting as it may be, can also lead to scarring.
Acne usually affects the face, shoulders and back but other areas of the body can also be affected.
There are different types of spots: -Pustules, which are hard and sometimes painful lumps under the skin.
-Blackheads, which are small blocked pores in the skin.
-Whiteheads are hard lumps with a white centre.
-Inflammatory acne causes swelling of the skin.
This type of acne is most likely to cause scarring if not treated early.
So how do we get spots? There are many different things which can cause acne.
During puberty, hormones can cause the sebaceous glands in the skin to produce too much sebum (an oily substance) which can block hair follicles.
This together with dead skin cells is the main cause of acne, which can happen to both boys and girls.
There are a number of other things which can also cause spots or make them worse: -Stress.
This can be a big factor on how bad your acne is.
Stress can increase hormones which increases sebum.
Try to relax and don't get yourself worked up over little things.
-Using soaps with perfume.
Try using fragrance free soaps.
-Washing too much.
Too much cleaning can aggravate the skin.
Wash no more than twice a day and try not to scrub too much.
-Picking and squeezing.
This can cause your acne to spread and can also lead to scarring.
Even though makeup on its own will not cause spots, it certainly won't help as it can block your pores even more.
-Special face washes and medication could possibly help in the short term, but could create a bigger problem in the long term.
There are some myths about how we get spots: -Sunbathing and tanning.
Tanning can temporarily cover up the redness of inflammatory acne but can cause sun burn which could lead to skin cancer in later life.
There is no evidence that tanning can help to clear up acne.
No connection has been found between acne and diet.
There is no evidence that any food type can cause acne.
- Hygiene.
Washing your skin too often and too hard can actually make acne worse.
Acne is most common in teenagers where more than 8 out of 10 people are affected.
Older people, particularly men, can also get spots but this is less common.
Spots can cause scarring if left untreated.
Picking or squeezing, as tempting as it may be, can also lead to scarring.
Acne usually affects the face, shoulders and back but other areas of the body can also be affected.
There are different types of spots: -Pustules, which are hard and sometimes painful lumps under the skin.
-Blackheads, which are small blocked pores in the skin.
-Whiteheads are hard lumps with a white centre.
-Inflammatory acne causes swelling of the skin.
This type of acne is most likely to cause scarring if not treated early.
So how do we get spots? There are many different things which can cause acne.
During puberty, hormones can cause the sebaceous glands in the skin to produce too much sebum (an oily substance) which can block hair follicles.
This together with dead skin cells is the main cause of acne, which can happen to both boys and girls.
There are a number of other things which can also cause spots or make them worse: -Stress.
This can be a big factor on how bad your acne is.
Stress can increase hormones which increases sebum.
Try to relax and don't get yourself worked up over little things.
-Using soaps with perfume.
Try using fragrance free soaps.
-Washing too much.
Too much cleaning can aggravate the skin.
Wash no more than twice a day and try not to scrub too much.
-Picking and squeezing.
This can cause your acne to spread and can also lead to scarring.
Even though makeup on its own will not cause spots, it certainly won't help as it can block your pores even more.
-Special face washes and medication could possibly help in the short term, but could create a bigger problem in the long term.
There are some myths about how we get spots: -Sunbathing and tanning.
Tanning can temporarily cover up the redness of inflammatory acne but can cause sun burn which could lead to skin cancer in later life.
There is no evidence that tanning can help to clear up acne.
No connection has been found between acne and diet.
There is no evidence that any food type can cause acne.
- Hygiene.
Washing your skin too often and too hard can actually make acne worse.