Cheap Web Hosting: Getting What You Paid For
When it comes to unlimited web hosting, there are many companies that will offer a low rate and promise the best service. The problem is that the reputation of your business is on the line, and it shouldnt be left to chance, or to promises. The web hosting company you choose is crucial to the success of your online business. If you choose a cheap web hosting company, and the service doesnt live up to the hype, you end up with a bevy of problems, including possible extended downtime. One thing that the cheaper solutions wont normally offer is 24-hour customer service, and without it you are at the mercy of someone elses schedule.
So, what exactly is unlimited web hosting, and how can you make sure you choose a provider that gives you the most value for your money?
First off, you have to understand that every web hosting company has its own definition of unlimited. Cheap web hosting that is labeled as unlimited can in actuality end up being just a couple of gigabytes, while others may offer hundreds. The truth is that unlimited web hosting is a myth; theres no such thing. What you need a company to offer is hosting that is more than youre going to need. Any arbitrary figure or overuse of the word unlimited is just a tactic to get you to pay for more than you need.
Unlimited space and bandwidth for hosting are mirages. If you try hard enough, you can max out both. If you have an extremely popular site, tons of content you need to upload, are hammering the hosts bandwidth and pushing the storage and servers to the max, eventually it will cap out. Of course, this will happen much sooner if your cheap web hosting is cheap quality as well.
That is why it is so important to choose unlimited web hosting that can do what it promises: giving you more bandwidth and hosting space than you could ever need.