Everything There Is To Know About ''personal Injury''
Usually, personal injury involves an injury implicted to the physical body and sometimes it may also be a psychological injury, such as extreme stress at work. In cases wherein the injury was caused by another person or the company, that person or company may be legally responsible for the expenses of treating the injury. Thus, the service of an attorney who specialized in this particular area is highly demanded. And with the help of the attorney, the injured person will receive a just compensation of the injury implicted to him.
Negligence usually results to personal injury. As an example of negligence, in a grocery store someone had left a spill on the floor without mopping it up. As a result, somebody slips on it and breaks a leg. In another case, an employer may have failed to repair equipment regularly, causing an employee to be injured, or a nurse at a hospital may have given a patient the wrong medication.
There is a what we call "claim" against the party responsible for the injury. Car accidents, slip and fall accidents, and accidents at work are the most common results of personal injury claims. However, personal injury claims are classified in numerous kinds. These injury types varies from toxic substances to medical malpractice claims. In cases wherein the injury results to death of the injured person, the claim may then be brought by the relatives of the person who died and the claim is called "wrongful death."
Another category of personal injury are diseases like asbestosis and mesothelioma,caused by industrial substances. These instances could have been prevented if the substances were not left unattended and had been cleared from the workplace area.
A tort, not the pastry, is a legal term that means a "wrong" that has been done. A "tortfeasor" is person who committed the tort either on purpose or through negligence. In order to have committed a tort,the tortfeasor must owe a duty to the injure person such as making sure that the sidewalk in front of a business is free of hazards, such as ice or broken concrete.
Mostly, in personal injury cases the insurance company who paid in behalf of the responsible parties usually pay the settlement as little as possible. The ''settlement'' is the money receives by the the injured person. And for this reason, many victims of personal injury choose to hire a lawyer in order to have a fair settlement.
If you have some cases of personal injury, it would be much better to learn and make yourself aware of your legal rights and get the compensation you deserve.