What Gives 4life Transfer Factor Products Their Aggressive Edge?
Whether you are a business builder or a distributor who simply wants to share products with customers, you can easily count on being asked, "So what makes 4Life
Transfer Factor different?" Fortunately, because of the clear and distinctive benefits of 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor? Formula products, your answer can be simple.
Unparalleled Support
First, transfer factor is not a vitamin, mineral, or even an herb. It"s a highly intelligent messenger molecule. It performs by transferring information from a donor to a recipient, as in the case of a breastfeeding mother and her infant""in other words, borrowed immunity.
4Life Transfer Factor products function in a totally new and meaningful way. They don"t just supplement the body with nutrients; they bring to it knowledge that helps educate your body"s immune system""enhancing its natural ability to know what to do when
one is challenged with health threats, as well as providing "how to" and "when to" response support.
Exclusive Patents
Next, 4Life Transfer Factor products are exclusive. 4Life"s pioneering research has progressively advanced the science behind transfer factors and subsequently become
the category creator of Transferceutical"" Science. 4Life Transfer Factor products
are backed by multiple United States patents that protect our sourcing and manufacturing processes and give distributors the exclusive opportunity to build their businesses with the most advanced transfer factor products available today.
Scientifically Tested and Proven
4Life Transfer Factor products are also proven, boosting Natural Killer (NK) cell function up to 437 percent"" higher than any other immune-system supplements tested*. Independent studies demonstrated the effectiveness of 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor
Formula and 4Life Transfer Factor Plus? Tri-Factor Formula with increases in NK cell function of 283 percent and 437 percent above the normal immune system response.
Effective for Everyone, Everywhere
Finally, 4Life Transfer Factor products are for everyone. No matter what your age, or where you"re from, 4Life has a safe and effective transfer factor product for you. 4Life Transfer Factor products are available in a variety of delivery forms; as capsules, chewable tablets, liquid, and spray. 4Life Transfer Factor products provide absolutely essential immune system support and should be consumed daily in order to maintain optimal health.
I am a great believer in, and proud to be part of, 4Life Research and the products that this great company has formulated and made available to people literally all over the world.
Transfer Factor different?" Fortunately, because of the clear and distinctive benefits of 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor? Formula products, your answer can be simple.
Unparalleled Support
First, transfer factor is not a vitamin, mineral, or even an herb. It"s a highly intelligent messenger molecule. It performs by transferring information from a donor to a recipient, as in the case of a breastfeeding mother and her infant""in other words, borrowed immunity.
4Life Transfer Factor products function in a totally new and meaningful way. They don"t just supplement the body with nutrients; they bring to it knowledge that helps educate your body"s immune system""enhancing its natural ability to know what to do when
one is challenged with health threats, as well as providing "how to" and "when to" response support.
Exclusive Patents
Next, 4Life Transfer Factor products are exclusive. 4Life"s pioneering research has progressively advanced the science behind transfer factors and subsequently become
the category creator of Transferceutical"" Science. 4Life Transfer Factor products
are backed by multiple United States patents that protect our sourcing and manufacturing processes and give distributors the exclusive opportunity to build their businesses with the most advanced transfer factor products available today.
Scientifically Tested and Proven
4Life Transfer Factor products are also proven, boosting Natural Killer (NK) cell function up to 437 percent"" higher than any other immune-system supplements tested*. Independent studies demonstrated the effectiveness of 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor
Formula and 4Life Transfer Factor Plus? Tri-Factor Formula with increases in NK cell function of 283 percent and 437 percent above the normal immune system response.
Effective for Everyone, Everywhere
Finally, 4Life Transfer Factor products are for everyone. No matter what your age, or where you"re from, 4Life has a safe and effective transfer factor product for you. 4Life Transfer Factor products are available in a variety of delivery forms; as capsules, chewable tablets, liquid, and spray. 4Life Transfer Factor products provide absolutely essential immune system support and should be consumed daily in order to maintain optimal health.
I am a great believer in, and proud to be part of, 4Life Research and the products that this great company has formulated and made available to people literally all over the world.