Debt Management Masterclass - The Money Management Solution
You pay them a reduced amount each month and hopefully get the interest and charges reduced or even stopped.
This is done either through a debt management company, or in a more cost-efficient manner using a 'toolkit' and doing it yourself.
Either way you arrive at a monthly payment you can afford, and eventually the debts are paid off.
The process can be made more efficient, however, by thinking of your debt management as part of a larger picture, rather than in isolation.
Think 'Money Management' rather than 'Debt Management', and work with the whole package.
This will make the best use of your income when using it against all your outgoings.
For example, is your mobile phone on the best contract it could be? If on pay as you go, who do you ring most? Some networks allow free calls between their customers, and will even provide SIM cards free of charge.
Maybe you'd save by changing? Is your car insurance with the best provider? It may have been when you took it out, but things change.
Use a comparison web site to see if you could save money at renewal time.
Get a recent gas and electricity bill out, and go back to the comparison web site.
You will be able to enter your actual usage and see who would be your cheapest provider.
If you are in credit when you switch you'll also get a lump of money in your hand, which will be a result! Shop on the internet to find the best deals.
You might be surprised at what you can save on both basics and luxury items.
If you are considering a debt management plan, consider getting a 'toolkit' and doing it yourself.
You could save thousands of pounds.
Use it as part of a whole Money Management plan along the lines mentioned above and you could be better off still, becoming debt free years earlier.