What Are the Benefits of Participating As a Healthy Volunteer?
Since 1998, Avail Clinical Research has provided an opportunity for healthy volunteers to participate in a variety of healthy study clinical trials in DeLand, FL. They provide our researchers with key insights for comparison with subjects who have specific medical conditions. There are many benefits that can be gained from participating in one of these studies.
The results of clinical trials can lead to better therapies for chronic illnesses like:
- Diabetes,
- and Hepatitis C
However, this has created a misconception that you need to be sick in order to qualify for a study. Clinical trials are also in need healthy volunteers. Participants should know that they're helping provide answers that could improve many lives.
What are the Benefits of Volunteering for a Study?
Healthy volunteers who take part in a study may:
- Receive compensation for taking part in a study
- Further medical knowledge of certain conditions
- Provide crucial insights in the development of new treatments
- Receive care from an expert medical staff
- Leave knowing they helped someone suffering from a potentially life-threatening disease
Will I Be Compensated?
Florida Clinical Research Resources AvailAvail provides compensation for time and travel to all qualified participants. Additionally, healthy volunteers will not need health insurance to enroll in a study. There are standard compensations rates for your time, but the medical staff will be able to explain this to you during the enrollment process.
What Enrollment Opportunities are Available?
We currently have two new healthy study enrollment opportunities upcoming. You'll be able to learn more about these studies on the trial pages. They can vary when it comes to:
- Length of trial period
- Location (inpatient or outpatient)
- Age limit
- Medical requirements
- Procedures
- Special requirements
The staff can help you find the best opportunity if you have any questions.
Please Remember€¦
Clinical trials may involve some risk - similar to any routine medical care. People who are unsure about this opportunity should talk to their doctor about whether clinical trial participation would be right for them.
Avail's research team will provide you with an informed consent document if you agree to participate in a healthy study clinical trial. This has further details and explains your rights as a participant. Be sure that you understand it fully before you sign it. It is not a binding contract and you reserve the right to discontinue the trial at any time.
The results of clinical trials can lead to better therapies for chronic illnesses like:
- Diabetes,
- and Hepatitis C
However, this has created a misconception that you need to be sick in order to qualify for a study. Clinical trials are also in need healthy volunteers. Participants should know that they're helping provide answers that could improve many lives.
What are the Benefits of Volunteering for a Study?
Healthy volunteers who take part in a study may:
- Receive compensation for taking part in a study
- Further medical knowledge of certain conditions
- Provide crucial insights in the development of new treatments
- Receive care from an expert medical staff
- Leave knowing they helped someone suffering from a potentially life-threatening disease
Will I Be Compensated?
Florida Clinical Research Resources AvailAvail provides compensation for time and travel to all qualified participants. Additionally, healthy volunteers will not need health insurance to enroll in a study. There are standard compensations rates for your time, but the medical staff will be able to explain this to you during the enrollment process.
What Enrollment Opportunities are Available?
We currently have two new healthy study enrollment opportunities upcoming. You'll be able to learn more about these studies on the trial pages. They can vary when it comes to:
- Length of trial period
- Location (inpatient or outpatient)
- Age limit
- Medical requirements
- Procedures
- Special requirements
The staff can help you find the best opportunity if you have any questions.
Please Remember€¦
Clinical trials may involve some risk - similar to any routine medical care. People who are unsure about this opportunity should talk to their doctor about whether clinical trial participation would be right for them.
Avail's research team will provide you with an informed consent document if you agree to participate in a healthy study clinical trial. This has further details and explains your rights as a participant. Be sure that you understand it fully before you sign it. It is not a binding contract and you reserve the right to discontinue the trial at any time.