Remedies For Pimples - 5 Effective Home Remedies for Pimples
There are various natural cures for acne that are safe to be used on sensitive skin. Some of these ingredients contain natural anti-septic, anti-swelling, anti-inflammatory, and strong feature to eliminate toxins or free radicals. You can use one of them at a time to reduce the appearance of your acne.
There are many fruits like cucumbers, oranges, apricots that carry a special kind of acid called citric acids. Your best trick is to make a juice off one of the fruits and apply it on your face as a mask until it is totally dry. Then wash your face gently. This is by far the most popular home remedy for pimples.
Lemon is an excellent cleanser for acne affected skin. You can mix fresh lemon juice with rose water and apply to affected skin. Wash off after half an hour with clean water. This acne remedy usually shows great results in a few days and in a couple weeks acne should completely disappear from your face.
Tea tree oil - has antibacterial and antimicrobial qualities that kill the bacteria that cause the skin condition. It promotes skin drying and reduces facial oil thus minimizing the risk of pimple outbreak.
Honey - Honey itself has antibacterial properties and can be use for killing or disinfecting the acne causing bacteria as well as healing minor blemishes. Apply some honey on the pimples before bed and cover it up using a band to discover a brand new skin in the morning.
There have been some studies that claim that oily foods can be a major cause of acne. So what you have been eating can be contributing to your acne problem. You should eat healthier non-greasy foods such as fresh fruits and raw vegetables.
The most popular and safe natural ingredient to cure acne is the mixing of honey and rosewater. This combination is refreshing and strongly fights acne. Honey is a trusted natural anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling ingredient that will effectively reduce swelling and inflammation on your skin. Rosewater is known for its refreshing and rejuvenating quality. You can feel refreshed and rejuvenated shortly after applying this mixture.
There are many fruits like cucumbers, oranges, apricots that carry a special kind of acid called citric acids. Your best trick is to make a juice off one of the fruits and apply it on your face as a mask until it is totally dry. Then wash your face gently. This is by far the most popular home remedy for pimples.
Lemon is an excellent cleanser for acne affected skin. You can mix fresh lemon juice with rose water and apply to affected skin. Wash off after half an hour with clean water. This acne remedy usually shows great results in a few days and in a couple weeks acne should completely disappear from your face.
Tea tree oil - has antibacterial and antimicrobial qualities that kill the bacteria that cause the skin condition. It promotes skin drying and reduces facial oil thus minimizing the risk of pimple outbreak.
Honey - Honey itself has antibacterial properties and can be use for killing or disinfecting the acne causing bacteria as well as healing minor blemishes. Apply some honey on the pimples before bed and cover it up using a band to discover a brand new skin in the morning.
There have been some studies that claim that oily foods can be a major cause of acne. So what you have been eating can be contributing to your acne problem. You should eat healthier non-greasy foods such as fresh fruits and raw vegetables.
The most popular and safe natural ingredient to cure acne is the mixing of honey and rosewater. This combination is refreshing and strongly fights acne. Honey is a trusted natural anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling ingredient that will effectively reduce swelling and inflammation on your skin. Rosewater is known for its refreshing and rejuvenating quality. You can feel refreshed and rejuvenated shortly after applying this mixture.