Type 2 Diabetic? Avoid These Diets!
If you're a Type 2 diabetic who is overweight, your doctor has probably told you to go on a low-fat diet and lose some weight immediately.
You will find that any reducing diet will take off weight in the beginning.
However, the fact that you have diabetes means that you have special needs.
You should make sure that you can stick with the diet you choose.
It's a lifetime project.
Look carefully at the diet that has been planned for you.
Will you be able to stay on this diet for years? Will this diet provide the daily nutrition that your body needs?And finally, will this diet help control your blood sugar and lower your blood lipids (fats), as well as taking off the pounds? You'll want to do some research to find answers to these questions.
If you're satisfied with these answers, then you can probably begin this diabetic diet and enjoy it for a long time.
But if you're not sure you'll still be enjoying it in the future, or whether it will really give you the results you require, then you may want to look at some other diet options.
These Three Diets May Be Trouble! There seem to be as many opinions on diabetes nutrition as there are people writing about it.
When you begin looking in bookstores at all the publications on this topic, you will probably be even more confused.
Just remember that because you are diabetic, you have specific dietary needs that must be met.
Look for a well-balanced, interesting reducing diet without extremes of limitation.
You will be eating this way for a long time, so be sure you're comfortable with your diet choice.
While you are doing your research, be very cautious about these three types of diet: 1.
Diets that emphasize low-fat or fat-free foods.
Your body needs calories.
People on low-fat or no-fat diets often end up gorging excessively on carbohydrates just to make up the necessary calories.
You probably already know that diabetics need to pay special attention to carbohydrate intake, because too many carbs can interfere with the treatment for your disease.
Besides, research has shown that the body requires, and should consume, certain types of fats.
Look for plant oils (olive, canola, peanut) and stay away from animal fats (butter, fatty meats, cream).
High-protein diets that cut carbohydrates to a minimum.
Low-fat diets tend to increase a person's intake of carbohydrates; but conversely, low-carbohydrate diets promoting high protein intake don't give the body enough energy.
People on these diets tend to eat lots of meat and saturated (animal) fat, which is very unhealthy for them.
Very low-calorie diets.
Although these may be healthier than some other types of diet, they can be dangerous.
To make up for the nutrients, calories, and macronutrients that it's missing, the body can begin to use up its own fats and other elements.
Many people on a very low-calorie diet have little energy and appear emaciated.
Ultimately, few men and women can stick to this kind of diet for very long.
When they return to normal eating, their bodies go into "survival mode"; they put on a great deal of weight very quickly.
You will find that any reducing diet will take off weight in the beginning.
However, the fact that you have diabetes means that you have special needs.
You should make sure that you can stick with the diet you choose.
It's a lifetime project.
Look carefully at the diet that has been planned for you.
Will you be able to stay on this diet for years? Will this diet provide the daily nutrition that your body needs?And finally, will this diet help control your blood sugar and lower your blood lipids (fats), as well as taking off the pounds? You'll want to do some research to find answers to these questions.
If you're satisfied with these answers, then you can probably begin this diabetic diet and enjoy it for a long time.
But if you're not sure you'll still be enjoying it in the future, or whether it will really give you the results you require, then you may want to look at some other diet options.
These Three Diets May Be Trouble! There seem to be as many opinions on diabetes nutrition as there are people writing about it.
When you begin looking in bookstores at all the publications on this topic, you will probably be even more confused.
Just remember that because you are diabetic, you have specific dietary needs that must be met.
Look for a well-balanced, interesting reducing diet without extremes of limitation.
You will be eating this way for a long time, so be sure you're comfortable with your diet choice.
While you are doing your research, be very cautious about these three types of diet: 1.
Diets that emphasize low-fat or fat-free foods.
Your body needs calories.
People on low-fat or no-fat diets often end up gorging excessively on carbohydrates just to make up the necessary calories.
You probably already know that diabetics need to pay special attention to carbohydrate intake, because too many carbs can interfere with the treatment for your disease.
Besides, research has shown that the body requires, and should consume, certain types of fats.
Look for plant oils (olive, canola, peanut) and stay away from animal fats (butter, fatty meats, cream).
High-protein diets that cut carbohydrates to a minimum.
Low-fat diets tend to increase a person's intake of carbohydrates; but conversely, low-carbohydrate diets promoting high protein intake don't give the body enough energy.
People on these diets tend to eat lots of meat and saturated (animal) fat, which is very unhealthy for them.
Very low-calorie diets.
Although these may be healthier than some other types of diet, they can be dangerous.
To make up for the nutrients, calories, and macronutrients that it's missing, the body can begin to use up its own fats and other elements.
Many people on a very low-calorie diet have little energy and appear emaciated.
Ultimately, few men and women can stick to this kind of diet for very long.
When they return to normal eating, their bodies go into "survival mode"; they put on a great deal of weight very quickly.