Disability Grants in Oregon
- Some Oregon foundations provide grants for disabled people.disabled retrieval arm. image by mdb from Fotolia.com
According to the state Department of Human Services, more than 28,000 people with disabilities resided in Oregon in 2009. These disabilities include learning troubles, developmental disabilities and physical incapabilities. There are a number of organizations throughout the state that have dedicated themselves to helping Oregon's disabled population through deeds and also through financial support. - Incight Resources for Self-Empowerment strives to help those with disabilities lead independent and fulfilling lives. One of the ways the company accomplishes this goal is in providing financial assistance for college to disabled students.
To be eligible for an Incight grant, a student must have a documented disability. This can include a physical disability, learning disability or developmental disability. Students must provide documentation (Individualized Education Program, physician letter, etc.) with the application to be considered.
Eligible applicants must also be accepted as a full-time student at a trade school, college or university for the next fall semester after the application is submitted.
Students must submit a completed application, including essays, as well as the documentation of disability and a letter of recommendation.
The value of the scholarships varies by year. Awards are renewable for up to 4 years, or until the student graduates from school, as long as the student continues to meet eligibility requirements set by Incight each year.
310 S.W. 4th Ave
Suite 530
Portland, OR 97204
incighteducation.org - According to the company's website, the Blanche Fischer Foundation (BFF) was started in 1981 and since then has awarded more than $1.2 million to Oregon residents with physical disabilities.
BFF grants are only available to Oregon residents with physical disabilities. The resident must show a financial need for funding that relates directly to the disability or for a project or equipment that will foster the person's independence. Previous grants have provided money to pay for disability equipment installed into vehicles, access ramps and transportation to disability-related conferences.
Blanche Fischer Foundation
1511 S.W. Sunset Blvd.
Suite 1-B
Portland, OR 97239
bff.org/ - Oregon State University (OSU) provides two scholarship opportunities for students attending the school who suffer from disabilities.
The Rice Scholarship Fund provides funding for tuition and fees for 1 year to undergraduate OSU students who use wheelchairs. Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 to maintain the scholarship. Oregon residents receive preference when applying for the scholarship, though out-of-state students can also apply.
The Terriere Scholarship Fund aids students with visual or hearing disabilities. The award amount varies but is designed to contribute to the cost of tuition and fees for 1 year; students may reapply for the grant after 1 year. Students must be enrolled in a degree or licensure program and maintain a grade point average of at least 2.5. Oregon residents receive preference when applying for the scholarship, though out-of-state students can also apply.
Oregon State University
Disability Access Services
A200 Kerr Administration Building
Corvallis, OR 97331