U.S. Domestic Airlines Baggage Requirements
- Baggage requirements are put in place by the Transportation Security Administration for the safety of passengers.a plane image by timur1970 from Fotolia.com
As if flying isn't enough of a hassle with having to be at the airport hours prior to your flight's departure, long lines at security and having to remove virtually half of what you're wearing in order to keep the security checkpoint from beeping, you also have to think about your luggage. In the past, carry-on luggage and your first two checked bags were free. Today, however, most airlines require that you pay for your checked luggage and some even charge you to carry on your luggage. Domestic airlines in the U.S. always have to abide by the Transportation Security Administration's, or TSA, rules for baggage. - Carry-on luggage sizes vary based on your airline's policies. However, the TSA does not allow containers carrying liquid in any carry-on luggage unless it is in a container that carries no more than 3.4 oz., and those must be in clear, plastic bags no larger than one quart. When packing your carry-on luggage you'll need to put your clear plastic bag somewhere that you can access it easily as you'll have to place this bag in its own separate bin at your airport security checkpoint.
- Much like your carry-on luggage, the size of your checked luggage is determined by your individual airline. However, most airlines require that your checked luggage weigh less than 50 lbs. per bag. Additional fees apply for checked luggage weighing more than 50 lbs. Your checked luggage must be accessible by airport security. This means that if you use luggage locks you must be aware that TSA employees have the right to cut through your locks to search your luggage. TSA does recommend that if you want to lock your luggage and you don't want your locks cut to check the packaging on your locks before you purchase them to see if they are TSA approved locks, which can be opened with a master key used by TSA security.
- The TSA does not allow certain items to be carried on or packed in your checked luggage for any domestic U.S. flight. In your checked luggage you should not pack rolls of film or computers. Guns, sports equipment and sharp objects are all permitted in checked luggage, but not in carry-on luggage. You may not, under any circumstance, pack any explosives, flares, fireworks, flammable items or gun powder in carry-on or checked luggage. These items are prohibited, and if found in your luggage, you will face criminal charges.