Where to Find Accessories to Make Floral Arrangements
- Visit the dollar store or discount stores for decorative items to add to floral arrangements. You can often find ribbons, bows and figurines suitable for floral arrangements. Check the hair aisle. Bows and baubles for little girl's hair work well with ribbons to make accents in floral bouquets.
- The toy aisle is filled with a wide assortment of inexpensive items ideal for a floral arrangement intended for a children's party. Small action figures, animals, vehicles and stuffed animals make delightful accents when wired to a floral pick and inserted in the bouquet. Look for brightly colored toys that are sure to please young children. Even a small bottle of bubbles tied up in curling ribbon works as a floral accessory.
- For the animal lover, pet toys make great addition to floral arrangements. Small chew toys, catnip-filled mice, rolling toys or even tiny wrapped pet treats are sure to bring a smile to a pet owner.
- Look for natural cones and pods to add to floral arrangements. A quick stroll through the woods will provide you with an assortment of accessories ideal for the nature lover. You can purchase nuts, cones and seedpods at craft stores if necessary.
- Don't overlook the use of fabric to create one-of-a-kind bows and ribbons. Check the clearance bin for scraps of decorative fabric to complement your floral arrangement. Cut or tear in strips and tie up in bows and wire to a floral pick to add a quick accent to a bouquet.
- Use holiday ornaments for accessories in floral displays. Shop after the holiday for discounted items you can use in floral arrangements throughout the year. A selection of Christmas ornaments will provide accessories for all your holiday bouquets.
- Starfish and other seashells create a touch of romance to summer bouquets. Even a small piece of driftwood or sea glass wired to a floral pick makes a delightful ornament for summer parties.