Things to Know About Abortion: Types and Symptoms
Being pregnant is a momentous decision in any woman's life.
It's a moment which brings lots of joy and happiness into her life.
However, sometimes women have to undergo abortion.
Normally, when a woman undergoes abortion, the fetus is destroyed within the first three months of the pregnancy itself.
In fact, abortion isn't allowed after the first three months unless there is a great risk to the pregnant woman.
Types of abortion Today, there are mainly two different types of abortions that exist.
Here is a look at both of them: Induced abortion - An abortion which is carried out intentionally is known as an induced abortion.
Around one third of the 205 million approximate pregnancies that take place worldwide every year are unintended.
Almost one fifth of these pregnancies end with an abortion that has been induced.
The other reasons for abortion are preventing harm to mother's health, saving the mother's life or even reducing risk of multiple pregnancies.
Spontaneous abortion - In a spontaneous abortion, which is also known as miscarriage, the fetus gets expelled from the uterus before reaching the 24th week of gestation.
Out of the known pregnancies worldwide, around 15 to 30 percent of them end in miscarriages, often without the mother even knowing that she was pregnant in the first place.
Symptoms Some signs and symptoms might tell the woman that not all is right and abortion might be a necessity.
Some of the most common symptoms which might mean an abortion is a necessity for the safety of the woman are mentioned below: · Bleeding - Bleeding is the most obvious symptom of an abortion and in most cases, a bleeding which leads to an abortion progresses from light and moves onto extremely heavy bleeding in a few days time.
· Severe cramps - A woman who is pregnant might experience cramps in her stomach.
· Pain in the abdomen - Sometimes the pregnant woman may experience severe to mild pain in the abdominal area.
· Fever - The woman might feel feverish during the abortion.
The intensity of the fever varies from woman to woman.
· Extreme weakness - The woman might feel extremely weak all of a sudden and may not be able to carry on her daily activities normally.
She may feel faintish and lethargic all day long.
· Back pain - It is quite common for a woman who is experiencing an abortion to feel constant pain in their backs, making it difficult for them to sit or stand for a long period of time.
If a pregnant woman notices any such symptoms during her pregnancy, she should immediately consult her gynecologist without any delay.
It's a moment which brings lots of joy and happiness into her life.
However, sometimes women have to undergo abortion.
Normally, when a woman undergoes abortion, the fetus is destroyed within the first three months of the pregnancy itself.
In fact, abortion isn't allowed after the first three months unless there is a great risk to the pregnant woman.
Types of abortion Today, there are mainly two different types of abortions that exist.
Here is a look at both of them: Induced abortion - An abortion which is carried out intentionally is known as an induced abortion.
Around one third of the 205 million approximate pregnancies that take place worldwide every year are unintended.
Almost one fifth of these pregnancies end with an abortion that has been induced.
The other reasons for abortion are preventing harm to mother's health, saving the mother's life or even reducing risk of multiple pregnancies.
Spontaneous abortion - In a spontaneous abortion, which is also known as miscarriage, the fetus gets expelled from the uterus before reaching the 24th week of gestation.
Out of the known pregnancies worldwide, around 15 to 30 percent of them end in miscarriages, often without the mother even knowing that she was pregnant in the first place.
Symptoms Some signs and symptoms might tell the woman that not all is right and abortion might be a necessity.
Some of the most common symptoms which might mean an abortion is a necessity for the safety of the woman are mentioned below: · Bleeding - Bleeding is the most obvious symptom of an abortion and in most cases, a bleeding which leads to an abortion progresses from light and moves onto extremely heavy bleeding in a few days time.
· Severe cramps - A woman who is pregnant might experience cramps in her stomach.
· Pain in the abdomen - Sometimes the pregnant woman may experience severe to mild pain in the abdominal area.
· Fever - The woman might feel feverish during the abortion.
The intensity of the fever varies from woman to woman.
· Extreme weakness - The woman might feel extremely weak all of a sudden and may not be able to carry on her daily activities normally.
She may feel faintish and lethargic all day long.
· Back pain - It is quite common for a woman who is experiencing an abortion to feel constant pain in their backs, making it difficult for them to sit or stand for a long period of time.
If a pregnant woman notices any such symptoms during her pregnancy, she should immediately consult her gynecologist without any delay.