Open the database you wish to split
Oftentimes, you wish to share data with users in your organization who may, in turn, wish to create their own forms and reports. While you may want them to have the ability to view and/or update your data, you may not wish them to modify the interface you use to work with the data yourself. Fortunately, Microsoft Access provides the ability to split a database into front-end and back-end components.
You can safely share data with other users while keeping your interface private.
From within Microsoft Access, choose Open from the File menu. Navigate to the database you wish to split and open it.
Start the Database Splitter wizard
Oftentimes, you wish to share data with users in your organization who may, in turn, wish to create their own forms and reports. While you may want them to have the ability to view and/or update your data, you may not wish them to modify the interface you use to work with the data yourself. Fortunately, Microsoft Access provides the ability to split a database into front-end and back-end components.
You can safely share data with other users while keeping your interface private.
From the Tools menu, choose Database Utilities and then Database Splitter, as shown in the image above. If you haven't used the Database Splitter wizard before, you may see a message stating "Microsoft Access can't start this wizard. This feature is not currently installed. Would you like to install it now?" If you see this message, click Yes. You may need to have the Microsoft Office installation CD available.
Split the database
Next, you'll see the wizard screen above. It warns you that the process may take a long time, depending upon the size of the database. It also reminds you that this is a risky procedure and that you should make a backup of your database before proceeding. (This is certainly good advice. If you haven't already made a backup, do it now!) When you're ready to begin, click the "Split Database" button.
You'll next see the familiar windows file selection tool, shown above. Navigate to the folder where you wish to store the back-end database and provide the filename you wish to use for this file. As a reminder, the back-end database is the shared file that will contain the data used by all users. Once you've named the file and selected the appropriate folder, click the Split button to begin the split operation.
After a period of time (which varies depending upon the size of your database), you'll see the message above. When you see this, the splitting operation is complete. Your back-end database is now stored using the name you provided. The original MDB file contains the front-end portion of the database. Congratulations, you're done!