How to Get Marks Off Vinyl Floors
- 1). Rub the mark with an eraser. Many scuff marks are made with rubber soled shoes, rubber lined mats or plastic caps on chair legs. Rub with an eraser until the stain is gone.
- 2). Mix 1 cup white vinegar with 1 cup water if you can still see the mark.
- 3). Dip a cloth into the solution and rub it over the mark until it is gone or until it is as light as possible.
- 4). Gently scrub the mark with an old toothbrush soaked in the vinegar solution. Don’t scrub too hard as you can wear the color or texture off the vinyl. Work until the mark is gone.
- 5). Dab rubbing alcohol directly onto the stain if you can still see it.
- 6). Rinse the area with clear water and dry it completely.