How to Treat Yeast Infections During Menstruation
- 1). Visit with your gynecologist. Once your doctor exams you and determines if you have a yeast infection, she will recommend treatment and can advise you on treating a yeast infection during menstruation.
- 2). Ask your doctor about using an over-the-counter topical yeast infection treatment. While oral medications are available (through prescription only), topical anti-fungal treatments can provide faster relief from symptoms such as itching.
- 3). Apply cold to relieve the outer vaginal area. The Mayo Clinic's online topic, "Lifestyle and home remedies," suggests using cold compresses or washcloths to ease discomfort while waiting for the yeast infection treatment to work. This method is especially good for relieving burning after urination.
- 4). Do not use tampons during yeast infection treatment. McNeil-PPC Inc., manufacturer of Monistat products, advises using sanitary pads with yeast infection products as tampons can absorb the medication.