Pollen Removing Air Purifiers - 5 Must Have Features

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Keeping your indoor air clear of pollen and other irritants gives your body and spirit a haven where it can relax and recharge without having to contiinually battle allergens.
And unfortunately, most people who have allergies are allergic to more than one irritant, and many times to more than one type of pollen.
If this is the case, it can mean that the "season" can last from January to December depending on the weather where you live.
Hence the saying, "there's always something blooming".
An air purifier with the right stuff can really reduce the amount that you are forced to breathe indoors.
And as you know, reducing your exposure to the allergen is still one of the best ways to effectively manage the condition.
Choosing the right pollen air cleaner is as important as deciding on the components of your management plan.
And here are 5 critical features that an effective cleaner should have.
24 Hour Cleaning Capability-Many people think that the majority of pollination happens in the spring.
This is a misconception.
Trees often begin pollination as early as January, followed by grass in the summer, and weeds in the fall until the frost kills them in late November or early December.
So any cleaner that is to be effective needs to work continuously to remove the spores that enter your home uninvited.
Multiple Filters For Removing Particles-Many allergens are particulates that come in all sizes.
They include things such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, and pet dander.
Having a unit that can eliminate not just the pollen, but the chronic indoor allergens that often work in conjunction to trigger symptoms is a must.
HEPA Filtration-This type of technology is important for several reasons.
First, its only by-product is fresh air.
It emits zero ozone and ionized particles.
Second, this is the type of filtration that hospitals use to insure clean air.
And third, to be given the designation of high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) the filter must have proven to be able to remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 airborne particles that are.
3 microns or larger in size.
The benefit to you is that it can remove seasonal allergens from outdoors as well as the chronic indoor triggers that are there all the time.
Variable Filtration Speeds-Some days the air is going to be thicker than others.
On those days it's quite an advantage to be able to keep irritants at low levels by being able to increase the speed to medium or high.
Long Life Filters-One of the most frequent complaints that people tend to have about an air cleaner is that either the filters don't last and need to be replaced frequently or that they require a lot of maintenance such as washing, spraying, or recharging.
Usually maintenance means an interruption in filtration.
And whenever that happens your air quality will suffer because irritant levels are rising every minute they are not being eliminated.
Choosing a cleaner that has a life of 5 years is a way that you can reduce maintenance and replacement costs.
And if the filter comes with a guarantee and a warranty to back it up, you can be pretty sure that you're going to experience the longevity that is promised to you.
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