What Should I Do If I Have An Accident At Work?
Whilst accidents are an inevitable part of everyday life sometimes, it is the responsibility of your employer to make your working environment as safe as possible. There are a number of reasons why personal injuries could occur if this does not happen, such as a lack of knowledge and training for example, or not enough supervision when operating heavy machinery. It shouldn't matter what profession you work in, everyone has a right to work, safe in the knowledge they are fully equipped to carry out their job as safely as possible.
As long as you are in a work environment at the time of the accident, or carrying out professional duties, you can be reassured you will be qualified to apply for personal injury compensation. For example a lorry driver on a motorway journey, whose lorry has not been serviced properly and might have a problem with its brakes or tyres, would have a strong personal injury compensation claim. Being involved in an accident can be painful and distressing, and it may feel like the last thing on your list of priorities is filing a claim; however there are a few things you can do to make the process quicker and less stressful for yourself.
The most important step in supporting your case is to make a record of everything that happened before, during and after the incident. Be sure to include all vital details of the accident itself, including the reasons you believe may have led to your personal injury, to back you up in your claim for compensation. Times, dates and names of people involved are all considered essential information.
It is also really important to get checked over by a medical professional, and have your claim reinforced by a certificate of doctoral findings. Be sure to allow yourself time to book an appointment, as this process can be lengthy, especially if you need to make a follow up appointment with your GP.
As well as evidence from a medical expert, it may also benefit your compensation claim enormously to have a witness from the scene (although this is not essential). If this is the case, ensure that your witness also keeps a record of their interpretation of events, as you have already done.
Finally, seeking the aid of a compensation solicitor who is specialised in dealing with personal injury claims is highly recommended and will help alleviate the stress of your situation and point you in the right direction in terms of what to do next as well as any legal rights and entitlements you should be aware of.