A Great Companion
         My boy never asked anything from me. This was the first time he asked for my help. I was so excited. I told him that I will buy him a nice and new computer desk, but he rejected my offer. He told me that he wishes to buy the desk on his own. He told me specifically that he wishes to buy a used computer desk, as his budget is low. He told me to help him find a seller of used house furniture in London. From the next day, I started my search of a good vender and I found many. After comparing each and every vendor's price, I decided one. That guy was selling new furniture at the price for Used House Furniture in London.
         When I told Archie that he can buy new furniture at the price of old furniture, he got happy. Next day, I took Archie with me to that vendor's warehouse. After checking every computer desk, he selected one. He liked the desk's design and color. It was quite comfortable, so he bought it.
After 2 months
          I was going back home from my business trip and I got a call from Archie when I was in a taxi. Archie told me that the desk broke. I asked him how it happened. He said that the desk couldn't handle the weight of his computer and printer. He said that the desk was okay for one week and then it started tottering with screeching sound and eventually it broke.
         As I soon as I reached home, I put the desk in my car, rushed to the vendor's place and gave the desk back to the vendor. I fought with him and got the refund, but Archie was desk-less again. I knew that Archie must be really upset, so I called my friend Felix. He told me to meet him on the next day in the morning near The High Cross Center, Fountayne Road.
         The next day I met Felix and he took me to a nearby warehouse of used house furniture, but when I saw the furniture, it did not look used to me. The furniture was really well-maintained. A computer desk caught my eye. It had Archie's favorite color and design. The executive in the warehouse gave me a satisfactory answer to all of my questions. He actually dismantled all the parts of the desk just to show me that how good and solid the desk is. I was quiet impressed by the company and its employees. I bought the desk immediately.
The desk I bought is now 3 years old and it has proved itself as a great companion of my son.