F: Friend R: Ready I: In E: Every N: Need & D:Difficulty
R: Ready
I: In
E: Every
N: Need &
Friendship is a lovely relation. All are the part of such a beautiful relation. Friendship opens many doors each with a different view but none could be more beautiful view then the door that leads you. Friendship makes life more enthusiastic.
Friendship------- when we meet someone unknown during the journey of life we just make an unknown person our friend. Why only friend? why not any other realtion......? Coz friendship is a relation which always strats with No Demand$ & always continues with the same title.
Friendship is the realtion which is maintained by everyone. It is the relation which everone uses in there good times,bad times, missing time & on any occasion.
If a child cries their mom says beta tell me wats your problem? M like your friend say me. At the same time dad says dont hesitate say me why are you so tensed everything will be alright dont u fear "Aaja Gala lag ja" the sisters & brother says dear dont cry we are like your friends share with us. We are always there for you. Every relation just starts with friendship................
Really how a beautiful relation it is........ A friend is one who makes you laugh when you cry, shouts when you are wrong but again behaves in the same way normally. Friends relaxes many burdens. They are quite fond of eachother. They never stop teasing eachother but if someone else starts for teasing they are opposing. Its not allowed for you its just for us.
A friendship is a relation in which all are praying for eachother. If a match is going on & a friend is out the friend is in he will never start showing his disappointness but on the contrary will start cheering the other friend. Friend do it for me. You can do it.
So this relation is titled as "A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND IN DEED"
Maintain every relations with care coz every relation starts with friend & ends with Friend.
It is a good relation na????????