Anyone Can Get a Throat Yeast Infection
However, yeast infection isn't just confined to the vaginal area, and it isn't solely a condition that strikes women.
People of both sexes and all ages can have throat yeast infections.
Although these are most common in young children, adults can get them, too.
You may have heard the condition referred to as thrush and not realized that they were both the same thing.
Throat yeast infections begin with a fungus that infects the lining of the mouth and then moves downwards into the throat.
Although this is a painful, annoying condition, it is easily treatable in most individuals.
The appearance of white lesions in the mouth is often the first indication that the affected person has a throat yeast infection.
The lesions look a lot like cottage cheese, are most often found on the inner cheek, the tongue, and the soft palate, and are very painful and may bleed if they are broken open.
Once they appear in the mouth they then start spreading down the throat.
The good news is that yeast infections aren't going to be difficult to get rid of as long as the patient has a strong, healthy immune system.
Many children who develop mild cases don't need to be treated at all.
In more slightly more severe cases, it's recommended that the patient eat unsweetened yogurt in order to restore the bacterial balance in the mouth.
For individuals with untreated or poorly-treated diabetes or weakened immune systems, the problem of throat yeast infections can turn into much more serious infections in the lungs, liver, and digestive system.
A person who develops thrush often needs to have a medical check-up in order to determine if there are unknown underlying problems that are causing the infections.
It could just be that it's being caused by a medication you are taking, but you want to be tested to make sure.
There are prescription antifungal medications your doctor can give you that are very effective in clearing up throat yeast infections in more severe cases.