Garden & Landscape Maintenance Plans
- Spring is optimal for light garden tasks such as pruning and fertilizing. Remove winter damage such as dead or broken limbs from shrubs and trees, and prune lightly to maintain shape and form. Fertilize heavy feeding plants, like roses. A light coat of mulch such as ground bark applied in the spring will suppress weeds in the summer. Check hoses, sprinklers and drip irrigation for the hot weather to come.
- In summer, fertilize lightly and prune to maintain shape and growth with trees, shrubs and perennials. Remove spent flower buds from perennials to encourage further blooming. Continue to monitor irrigation especially during the hottest months of July, August and September. Weed gardens and beds weekly.
- Fall cleanup will have a major impact on potential disease organisms. After the first hard frost, cut back perennials, rake leaves and add a light coat of mulch. Remove plant debris and either compost or burn it. Protect tender shrubs and perennials with heavy mulch or a frost blanket.
- Winter is a time to observe the garden and plan for the future. Some plants may have thrived and others have failed. Season-to-season examination of the garden is the best way to learn, and it will make a wise gardener despite the climate or other limitations.